Preference #136: You Meet At X-Factor.

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Josh: This was going to be your chance to finally become what you always wanted to be, a singer. You were waiting backstage when three boys sat next to you. The one without a sweater on turned to you and said, "Hi. I'm Josh." "[Y/N]." "Well hi [Y/N], these are my band mates Jaymi and JJ. "Hi." "So, what are you going to sing?" He seemed nervous to talk to you. "I'm going to sing Feelin' Good by Nina Simone." "Wow, that's a hard song to sing. We're gonna sing We Found Love by Rihanna." "Good song choice." Some crew member came to get you to tell you you were up next. "Well, I have to go and get ready, good luck to you and you're mates. Hope to see you after bootcamp." You could say you were confident in yourself, and that payed off. You made it to Tulisa's final four.

George: You were working at The X Factor as Jamie Stevens assistant and you couldn't ask for a better job. You always loved doing hair, you didn't start working until after judges houses and you were an assistant in charge in a band called Union J. It was the first time that Jamie wasn't there to do their hair, so he called you in to do it. You knew what the boys looked like and their names, you had a small school girl crush on the new member George Shelley. The contestant hair room was just a few steps away, next thing you know you're sitting George in your chair. "I'm George, George Shelley." "Why hello George, George Shelley. I'm [Y/N], Jamie's assistant." "Pretty name for a pretty girl." Should've known he was a flirt. "Why thank you, you're not so bad yourself." This went on even until you were done and he stayed to watch you do the other boys hair. What a sweetheart to wait. You finished off JJ's hair and were cleaning up when you asked George, "How come you waited here while I did the other lad's hair?" He looked nervous, and so cute at the same time. "Well, I ,um wanted to ask you out on a date." He smiled nervously at you and waited to here what you had to say. 'I'd love to go on a date with you George Shelley. Here's my number, call me sometime."

Jaymi: You were currently the choreographer while Brian was out sick with the flu, even though you were only twenty-one years old, you knew how to do any type of dance. You started dancing when you were able to walk, you're mother was a dancer and would take you to rehearsals and you looked up to her. She's your idol and you want to be just like her. It's week six and you were helping the boys with their dancing, they're going to sing Never Say Never this week and they were going to do some Justin Bieber moves. "Hello boys, I'm [Y/N]. Brian's out with the flu and I'll be your choreographer for the week. the dancers and I will show you the moves then I will teach you the moves." You were teaching them a basic move when you saw Jaymi just staring at you, "Jaymi, earth to Jaymi." "Oh sorry. Just distracted by your undeniable beauty." He slapped his hand over his mouth right after he said that to you. "Oh Jaymi. Thank you and but please keep your focus on the moves." After rehearsals Jaymi caught up with you and you guys started talking when you had to leave. "Oh god, look at the time. Sorry jaymi but I have to go. See you tomorrow." He couldn't even ask for your number before you left.

JJ: This was your first year as an X Factor judge, you were from America and were one of the biggest singers in the music buisness today. You loved One Direction and Little Mix and were shocked when the asked you to be a judge and mentor. Currently you had auditioned James Arthur, Ella Henderson, Rylan Clark, and George Shelley. The next group was called Triple J and they sang 'We Found Love' by Rihanna and they did fantastic. You liked the one with a small quiff, JJ was his name. You were the groups mentor, so when they came to your house in Los Angeles, you could say you were excited to see them again. They added George Shelley because they were missing that special something in the group. They had no idea that you were their mentor, so when you walked out it looked like JJ was blushing and hiding in the back. You went to talk to them privately while they were waiting to sing for you. "Hello boys." You got two 'Hi's, 'Hello', and a shy 'Hey'. "I know you're nervous, but you don't have to be. I'm just a regular nineteen year old singer. So I'm just going to give you some tips. With the songs you sing, you need to rememebr that their are four members in the group and not just two or three. I know you can all sing and that's why you're here, you should all show that talent. I don't want to have people saying that one of you don't have enough solos." They really took in your advice, and you always seemed to catch JJ staring at you, he would blush and look away. How adorable.

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