Preference #156: You've Been in An Accident (Part 1)

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Jaymi: You sat patiently at the light, tapping your fingers on the steering wheel. You were on your way to see Jaymi, who you hadn’t seen in over two months, so yeah, to say you were excited was a bit of an understatement. The sound of your favourite song flooded through your car speakers, which you cranked louder. You sang along, a smile erupting on your face, you just couldn’t help it. Your phone started to buzz, noticing it was Jaymi, you quickly picked up the phone. “Hey babe!” You nearly squealed into the phone. “Are you almost here?” He asked impatiently. “I can’t wait to see you.” “Me either.” You admitted, moving your phone so it rested on your shoulder pressed against your cheek as you drove down the road. “Wait (Y/N), are you driving right now? You know you shouldn’t be on the phone when you’re driving!” Jaymi constantly reminded you of this ‘annoying’ habit you had developed. But you were good at multi tasking, it had never caused you a problem before. “I’ll be fine Jaymi, I always-” But the rest of your conversation was cut off, leaving Jaymi to only hear the sound of crunching metal.

Josh: You were enjoying the sun, sprawled out on the back of your boat, as it floated along the lake. “Did you put enough sunscreen on (Y/N)?” Josh’s voice came out from the front of the boat. You sighed, hollering back a snipe “Yes!” Last weekend when you went out, your back had gotten crisply burnt, causing Josh to constantly tease you about it. You felt the something blocking your sun, making you take off your sunglasses and peek up at what it was. Or should you say, who it was. Josh stood directly in front of the sun so your body was covered in his shade. You sighed again, standing up so you were facing him. “Josh it’s ok, I’ve put loads on. Trust me, I don’t want to get burnt again.” This time it was his turn to sigh, spinning you around and hugging you from behind. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt.” He started kissing your neck, but you noticed something out on the water. A boat full of teenage guys were driving really fast. Way too fast in fact. “Holy shit! They nearly hit that boat!” You exclaimed, as they narrowly roared past an unsuspecting family fishing. You sat down on your towel, Josh joining you. A few minutes later, you heard the rev of an engine. You glanced up to see the same group of boys on their boat, heading right towards yours. They had a look of panic on their face as their wheel had stopped turning. “JOSH!” You cried, clutching onto him before the impact hit.

George: You peered out the window, taking it all in. The little ladder had removed itself from the side of the plane, the runway appeared to be clear. You quickly texted George that your plane was taking off, and you relaxed into your seat. You had flown numerous times before, but you still got butterflies every time. You loved flying, it was one of your favourite things. Your plane got a good amount of height, and everything seemed to be going well. You were half way through an inflight movie, when you noticed you were slowly losing altitude. You checked the time and flight map. You were only over the States at the current moment, you knew you weren’t there already! You started to get an unnerving feeling in your stomach, and you grew restless. A voice came over the intercom. “Excuse me ladies and gentlemen, this is your pilot speaking. I regret to inform you, that we are indeed losing altitude, one of the engines has failed. Please don’t panic, I may still be able to find a spot for a safe emergency landing.” A pit grew in your stomach as you closed your eyes, praying and hoping everything would end up ok.

JJ: You were walking down the road, shopping bags in hand rubbing against your leg as you manoeuvred from store to store, trying to find all the best deals. There was a market that was open for the whole weekend, taking over part of the block, causing them to close some streets down. You had just texted JJ that you would meet him for supper at around 6 o’clock, since he was busy rehearsing, at the little cafe a few blocks over. You had been shopping all afternoon, and the sun was beating heavy down on you. You felt a little bit of sweat on your forehead, so you began searching for a drink. You found a vending machine and a little bunch of picnic tables in a secluded corner. You sat down, resting your aching feet as you drank the cool water. You were fairly happy with your purchases, but you were still looking for a leather jacket. You had been wanting one ever since you saw an adorably cute one on TV. You pushed yourself to get up and continue looking, because you knew you would regret it if you didn’t find one. You started walking towards the other side of the street, when a random car from out of the blue, tore through the “street closed” sign, and ran into you. You felt yourself lurch onto the ground, flying onto the other side of the street, immense pain seeping up your legs. Your back lay on the hot sticky pavement a mix of your blood and asphalt, the clothes you had bought sprawled around the whole street. Your vision began to blur. You thought you saw JJ in the corner of your eye before it all faded to blackness

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