Preference #164: Beautiful Life Inspired.

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"She just don’t realise."

You and George have been a couple for a few months now, and you both seem to be happy. That, however, isn’t true. You’re scared deep down, you’re sure that one day he’ll break up with you, because you’re not good enough. You’re not pretty enough. “You’re perfect.” “You’re all I could’ve ever asked for.” Those are the things he tells you from day to days, and those are the things you don’t believe. “You’re so beautiful.” He whispers as you lay on top of his chest. He gets a bit angry as you roll your eyes, and sits up. “Why won’t you believe me?” “Because…I’m not.” He stands up and pulls you towards the mirror, making you face it. “Look at that girl. Look how beautiful she is. Her eyes, her smile. All of her. Absolutely perfect. Now look at the boy. He’s so in love with the girl. And he’s hurt. Hurt because her beautiful girl won’t realise how perfect she is. He wants her to know.”


"But there’s a lot behind those big blue eyes"

You’re used to get bumped into and receive excuses like “I didn’t see you.” No one ever sees you, you think. You walk with your head bent down, with quick steps that take you into your safe house, where you can be yourself on your own. You think you’re not special. You’re just there. You’re there when love finds people, but never you. You’re always there, but people don’t seem to notice you. That’s until one day when you’re just sitting out in public, alone, with your music. Something makes you look up, and you meet the most gorgeous pair of eyes intensely watching you. Without your knowledge, Josh has been watching you for weeks, always going for a coffee the same time you do. He realised immediately how broken you are, and he could have walked away the first time. But he kept coming back, wanting to see you, because he once caught your eyes and he was never able to get it out of his mind. He saw something in those eyes, and now he wants you. Wants to help you rise, break out of your shell and shine-with him by your side.


"We’re not that different; you and I"

"Why won’t you go out with me? What is so bad about me?" You stop in your steps, and turn around sighing. "There’s nothing wrong with you, JJ, you’re…You’re perfect." "Then why do you keep refusing me?" "Because we’re so different. It wouldn’t work. You’re life is nothing like mine. I..I wouldn’t be able to do it. We’re like fire and ice." He clenches his jaw and jerks forward to grab you before you could walk away. "We’re not." He says before placing a hand on your cheek, slowly caressing it. He slides a finger over your lip and places feather-like kisses on your neck, causing your breathing and heartbeat to accelerate. You blush as he takes your hand with a smile, and places it over his heart, where you feel it beat just as fast as yours does. “We’re not so different after all.” He whispers on your lips..


"It’s a beautiful life"

You open your eyes to see the sun peek through the curtain, slightly blinding you. You close your eyes and seek a bit more of the warm that surrounds your body; the soft and warm cushions, the heat the sun gives your face both keeping you warm. But the best feeling is the body of your boyfriend pressed tightly against your body, not only making you feel safe, but warm and happy as well. The problems of yesterday are long forgotten, replaced by happy memories that Jaymi planned to make with you. To make you forget everything. To take you away from it all, to run away with you and hide from the world. To show you things you’ve never been showed before. To show you what a beautiful life it is.

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