Preference #159: Halloween.

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George : Even though you’ve stopped trick or treating at the age of thirteen you still bought costumes.People told you,you were crazy but you couldn’t care less. But this year you spent Halloween with George.You both wore monkey onsies and watched Halloweentown.

Jaymi : You and Jaymi didn’t really celebrate Halloween.So you guys just did what you regularly did.Except with the left over candy,you guys pigged out on that.

JJ : You always took your little sister trick or treating.but this year JJ tagged along.You all dressed up in costumes even though your sister was the only one getting candy. You and your little sister dressed as angels and JJ wore a demon costume.

Josh : This being your first Halloween with Josh as a couple,you both decided to do something fun.And what’s more fun than having a halloween party.

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