Preference #146: Make Up After A Fight

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Josh: Waiting for your boyfriend Josh to come home for lunch, you turned your laptop on and logged onto twitter. Going through your mentions, you saw a tweet from Josh’s fan asking about you two so you decided to post a recent photo you found on your laptop as an answer to that girl. „I adore lazy days like this with my boyfriend“-you tweted along the picture Jaymi took of you and Josh sleeping few days ago. You tweeted with your friends for a bit longer and soon you heard front door opening and closing. „Hey, darling“-you shout hearing Josh’s steps towards living room. „Hey, what’s up?“ „Nothing much. I’m tweeting while waiting for you“ „Yeah, I saw that, bragging much?“-he raises one eyebrow. „What are you talking about?“„I went through your profile and I’ve realized you tweet a lot about us. I feel like you’ve posted every picture we ever took and my fans seem to know more about this relationship than I do“-he snapped and you remain silent as you were taken by surprise with all that. „You won’t say a thing? That means I’m right. I thought you loved me for me, not for the fame it brings you.“-you take a deep breath with tears in your eyes as you look at Josh not believing what you just heard. „And don’t think I’ll fall for those crocodile tears, you’ve crossed the line this time“ „No, Josh, you crossed the line this time. You know why I’m speachless? Because you’ve never raised your voice and not once did you talk to me like this. You think I’m braggin? As I recall, I was the one who told you not to go public about us at the begining so that we can enjoy our relationship without media. I was the one staying at home waiting for you when you were going out and taking pictures with other girls to justify your reputation as a ladies man. And I was the one who stayed by your side although I recieved hate from some of your fans. So don’t you dare… don’t even try to say I’m only with you for that ‘fame’ you’re talking about“ „But you finally got it, didn’t you?“ „I really don’t know what’s gotten into you but I won’t stay here and listen anymore. I’ll be at [Y/B/F/N]’s for a while.“-you shake your head and pack some stuff into a small bag before leaving the flat. Days have passed and you haven’t heard a single word from Josh. „I’m gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket, but I’ve got to get a move on with my life“-you tweeted obviously implying on recent fight between you and Josh although he didn’t say a word to anyone about your split up. You were working on some drawings when you heard the bell ringing. „I’ll get that!“-you shout before running towards door and as you look trough the spyehole all you can see is a giant teddybear and dozen of red roses. „Excuse me?“-you say confused as you open the door. „Can I come in? I’m gonna drop this soon“-you hear Josh’s voice and you let him. After he puts the teddybear and the flowers on the table he turns around to look at you and your jaw drops as you see him. He was drained, with red eyes as he was probably crying a lot. „I saw your last tweet do you mean it?“ „Oh, you went through my tweets again? Yes, I do mean it. I waited for you to come and apologize and now that I realized you won’t, I think it’s time I move on“  „Please, don’t do it! I take back all the thing I said, I don’t know what has gotten into me. I’m so sorry, I’ll make it up to you. I’ll do whatever it takes, I’ll treat you better, I’ll get down on my knees..“-Josh pleads and starts kneeling down. „Don’t, get up“-you take his hands and pull him up. „I have to, I want you to forgive me“-his voice cracks. „You don’t have to go down on your knees, I forgive you“-you smile taking his head in your hands. „You do? Why?“-Josh asks confused. „Because I love you and I missed you like crazy these past few days“-you smile. „But, I was horrible and I said….“-he starts but you cut him off. „We’ll work it out. Now kiss me before I change my mind“-you laugh and he does as you say smiling into the kiss.

George: „So, a movie night in?“-George asks as you he helped you with the dishes after the dinner you cooked for him. „Sounds good, I’ve had a long day“-you nod smiling. „I’ll go and see of there’s a good one on tv, if not I’ll pick something out of our collection“-he gives you a sweet kiss before walking out of the kitchen. You finished the work you had in there and grabbed some snacks and drinks before making your way to the living room. „Did you find anything?“  „Yeah, an interesting thriller/horror begins in 20 minutes. Are you up for it?“-George smirks raising his eyebrows. „Actually I am“-you stick out your tongue and take your iPad to see what’s new on tumblr. You went through Union J tag and saw some pictures of George and some girls and a link to an article which caught your eyes. As you opened the link your jaw dropped and you sighed. „What is it, love?“-George looks at you concerned. „I can’t believe you“-you shake you head looking at him. „What happened?“-he takes your hand in his hand but you immediately shake it off. „Don’t act so innocent, I know the truth, okay? When did you plan telling me about her?“. „About who? What are you talking about? I’m confused“ „I’m talking about this!“-you shout and turn your iPad to him so he finally sees what are you reffering to. The article was about George and his yesterday night out. It said that he got drunk and cheated on you with many girls. „And you believe all this? You know media invent shit about us to earn more money“-he looks you in the eyes. „I don’t know George, you were out last night and I don’t know what happened there. Besides, everytime there is a photo of you and some girls you always say it’s a fan, I don’t know if I can believe that story anymore“-you shrug biting your lips. „What did you say? You believe this bullshit?“ „How can I ignore the pictures? On one of them it looks like you’re kissing that slut!“ „I never thought you would believe some paparazzi with a big imagination over your boyfriend“ „I never thought you would cheat. You promised you wouldn’t let the fame change you“-you said in a lower voice. „You know what? Before we say some things we’ll both regret, I’ll go to a friends house. Don’t talk to me until you come to sense“-George storms out of the room leaving you standing on the same spot like a statue. You’ve heard the front door open and smash few seconds later and you fell down on your knees crying your eyes out. You’ve spent the entire night and next few days crying on the floor not eating or talking to nobody.You weren’t ready to give up on your relationsip so you called Josh and arranged a meeting with George in his flat. „What are you doing here?“-George asked when he saw you as he wasn’t expecting you. „We need to talk“-you slowly move towards him. „We don’t need to do anything. I’m not sure if there is a ‘we’ anymore“-he sighs. „Please don’t say that, please George! I know I was wrong and I’m aware I made a terrible mistake not trusting you but I wanna tell you that I do believe you . I always have, it’s just that when I asked you about those girls, the question sounded more like an accusation but I believe you when you say you didn’t cheat“-you bite your lip trying to hold back the tears but one escapes you and falls down your cheek. „I don’t know if can believe you anymore. How can I be sure that you won’t get so jealous next time someone starts rumours about me cheating?“ „Because I love you and I promise not to make you a scene like that ever. I love you too much to loose over such a stupid thing. Do you think you’ll ever be able to forgive me?“-you stick your bottom lip out and take a deep breath waiting for George’s response. „I love you way too much to let you go. I know we’ll make it through if we try hard enough.“-he smiles walking towards you. „You really mean that?“-a big grin appears on your face. „Yeah, you’re my special little monkey“-he rests his forehead on yours before crushing his lips on yours.

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