Preference #145: Movie Night In With Him.

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Jaymi: Walking from the kitchen you almost dropped the tray as it was full of snacks and drinks. „Popcorn?“-Jaymi asks as you sit down. „Here“-you reply. „Drinks?“ „Too. We have enough of everything, we don’t have to leave the sofa for few hours“-you say laughing as you were preparing yourselves for the Twilight saga marathon. „And you’re totally okay with watching it again?“-Jaymi says looking at you. „I actually love the first one, and I’ll suffer watching Taylor Lautner in the others“-you wink laughing as Jaymi gives you a serious look. „Maybe this wasn’t a good idea“-he says taking the remote. „Oh, are you jelaous? Come on, those guys are just for watching, you know I only love you.“-you look him with puppy eyes before kissing him. „I love you too“-he smiles and plays the first movie. For the next few hours you were laughing and cryung over some scenes together. „The wedding was so beautiful“-you smile wiping away your tears. „Yeah, but ours will be even better“-Jaymi winks smiling at you. As the sex scene comes on the screen Jaymi looks at you with desire in his eyes and you kiss him passionately as the rest of the movie didn’t bother you at all, you had something more interesting to do.

Josh: „So, what shall we watch tonight?“-Josh asks bringing the snacks to the room. „I can’t decide“-you shrug going through your DVD collection. „OMG, I haven’t seen this one in years. Have you ever watched Hachiko?“-you ask showing him the DVD. „I don’t think so, what is it about?“ „A man and his dog, I can’t you never watched it, you would’ve remembered if so“-you reply sitting next to him. „You’ve got me interested now, let’s watch that one“-Josh smiles and you put the movie into the DVD. „We’ll need some cleenex too“-you laugh as you settle down on the couch. „Why?“-he asks confused. „You’ll see“-you laugh again and start the movie. „Can you pass me the popcorn, please?“-you ask after few minutes. Every now and then you would look at Josh and smile seeing his reactions. The movie caught you in so you didn’t notice Josh crying until you heard his quiet sob. „I told you so“-you gave him a cleenex and you both wiped away tears on your faces. „It’s embarassing you have to see me crying like a baby over a movie“-Josh says biting his lip. „It’s not, I don’t mind if a guy shows his feelings, that’s nice to see from time to time. Now shush, we’ll miss the rest of the movie.“-you smile and kiss his cheek before returning your eyes to the screen.

George: „Remind me, whose turn is it to pick the movie?“-George teased you laughing so you hit his arm lightly. „Like you don’t know. And don’t pretend like you don’t know which genre you’re up to, we both know you’re gonna choose a horror movie. What I don’t understand is why do always choose it?“-you reply shaking your head. „I suffer during your romantic dramas so it’s only fair you suffer a little in return“ „A little? I couldn’t sleep for days after the last one.“ „You don’t have to be affraid of anything, I’ll protect you“-George winks and starts the movie. „What are we watching?“-you ask taking a sip of your juice. „The Descent, you’ll love it“-he smirks and you knew it’s going to be a total opposite. „AAA!“-you screamed and digged your head into George’s chest the first time you the monster on the screen. „I’m gonna have nightmares beacuse of this“-you say not moving your head. „Come on, love, you’ll miss the entire movie“-George laughs and you slowly turn your head to the screen again. „That was disgusting“-you say once the movie is finally over. „Why do you say that?“-George asks streching out. „Did you see those awful creatures? I want be able to sleep“-you shiver. „Don’t worry, I’ll help“-he winks before laughing but you just roll your eyes.

JJ: You were on your way to JJ’s flat to watch a movie together as your relationship was new and the public didn’t know about it yet. „Hey, come in“-JJ greets you with a smile before letting you in and kissing you. „Here, I brought everything you told me“ „I don’t remember asking for this chocolate“-JJ laughs taking the groceries out of the bag. „That’s for me, I’m craving for it“-you take your favorite chocolate and start eating it. „What did you pick?“-you ask as JJ brings you glasses from the kitchen. „My favorite, I love you man“-he smiles proudly. „So you finally found a way to make me watch it“-you wink laughing. „You won’t regret it, I promise“-JJ smiles and plays the movie. He lies down and opens his arms for you rest on his chest and then covers you both with a blanket. Everytime you heard him laughing you just had to join him. By the end of the movie your stomach was hurting from all the laughing. „I told you it’s a good movie“-JJ says as the movie finishes. „Yeah, it definately is, I haven’t laughed like this in a while“-you sit upright and take a sip of your drink. „If you’re up to, we can watch another movie, you can spend the night here“ „That would be nice“-you smile and kiss him before you watch another movie and you spent the night at his flat for the first time.

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