Preference #129: You Come Home Late.

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Josh: Josh was worried, almost to the point that he couldn't take it anymore. He had been lying face down on the couch for the better part of the last hour, you were supposed to be home awhile ago, and it was not like you to be late. He picked up his phone, checking to see if he had missed a phonecall, a text, anything really. Sighing in defeat he went to call Y/F/N, just to see if you were ok. As he was about to hit the call button you burst through the front door, your cheeks rosy from the cold. You smiled at him, a bright smile, incredibly happy to be home. Josh returned the smile, moving swiftly towards you, wrapping your cold body into his warm embrace. "I missed you so much," Josh whispered, burying his face in your hair, that smelled faintly of smoke from the winter bonfire. "Sorry I'm late," You said, pulling away slightly so you could shrug off your coat. "Y/F/N's car got a flat." Josh nodded, letting out a relieved sigh, "I'm just glad you're home."

George: You opened the front door as slowly as possible, trying not to disturb the silence of the block. Pulling out the key softly you guided the heavy oak door with your hand before it fit nicely into the doorjam. Turning around you made your way up the dark staircase, seeing a faint light emitting from your bedroom. Opening the door you noticed the lamp was on and George was laying on his back, a book had fallen carelessly to his side. Changing into your pajamas you switched off the lamp, placing the book on the bedside table. Snuggling into the covers you felt George move his arm around you, his eyes opening lazily, "Welcome home baby," he said, his words slurred by fatigue. You laughed slightly, snuggling into his chest, "Goodnight George."

Jaymi: You sighed, collapsing on the couch completely exhausted. You had been kept late at work once again. Your eyes were filled with frustrating tears as the day's events came crashing down at once and you felt so tired and so unappreciated you just wanted at this point to go straight to bed. Jaymi came out of the kitchen with a glass of water, smiling when he saw you. "Hey sweetie, how was work?" You groaned in response, burying your head in your shirt. Jaymi sat next to you, rubbing sweet circles over your back. "Want to talk about it?" He asked, as you snuggled into his body. You shook your head, melting into his touch. "I never want to go back there." You mumbled, pouting slightly. Jaymi laughed, "You always say that but I know you love that job more than anyone else there." You let out a puff of air knowing he was right. You suddenly became drowsy, exhausted from the day and drifted off to sleep in Jaymi's arms.

JJ: You waved goodbye to your friends when you reached the front door of the home. The rowdy crew waved in return, backing out of your driveway as their loud voices disrupted the silence of the suburb. The alcohol was finally starting to wear off and you pushed open the door, stumbling out of your heels. JJ sat on the steps, giving you the kind of look you'd expect from a parent of a teenager. "Hey," You said, pulling your earrings out of your ears and dropping the small pearls onto the end table, "what's up?" JJ stood, crossing his arms, "Oh nothing. Just waiting for you to get home, I don't know, three hours late?" You rolled your eyes, attempting to move past him up the stairs but he blocked your movement. "So let me get this straight. You're allowed to go out until all hours of the night but I can't even stay out past nine?" He asked, refusing to budge. You sighed, palcing your hands around his neck as you looked into his eyes. "Baby, can we not fight about this. I know I should've called, I just, got caught up with everything. I'm sorry." JJ sighed, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer to him, pressing his lips softly to yours. He pulled away slightly, keeping hold on your waist. "I was just worried, you know? I don't know what I would do if anything ever happened to you."

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