Preference #140: He Suprises You

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Josh: “What’s wrong?” I jump and turn to face the voice. (Y/BF/N) looks at me, a concerned look on her face. “Nothing,” I reply, smiling sadly. “There’s obviously something wrong,” she says, sitting down and patting the seat next to her. “Talk to me.” I sigh and sit down, turning to face her. “This is going to sound so stupid. He’s on tour, I knew he wouldn’t be back by today, but it’s our first anniversary and I thought we’d at least be able to talk. We always talk in the morning but yesterday he said he would be too busy today to talk and… I miss him. It’s our anniversary and he’s not here.” (Y/BF/N) pulls me towards her and cuddles me. “Don’t worry. I’m sure there’s a reason behind it. You know Josh, there’s a reason.” We pull apart and I smile at her before we both jump at the sound of a car beeping. We laugh it off and talk about how the day has been for a few minutes before the car beeps again. I turn to scan the school’s car park and it beeps once more, allowing me to find the source. As soon as I catch sight of it, the car drives forwards until it’s side-on to us and the driver’s door opens. “You didn’t think I’d forget, did you?” the driver says, smiling. “Josh!” I jump up and run into his arms. He lifts me off the ground and spins me around, laughing, and puts me down gently to kiss me softly. “How could I forget the day that you made me the happiest man alive?” “What about the tour?” I ask. “What tour?” he replies. The truth dawns on me and I don’t even try to hide the realisation in my face. “Those days I had to stay away from you, pretending to be on tour, they were unbearable, but it was all worth it in the end,” he chuckles. I smile up at him before leaning forward, he hugs me tightly and I smile, wider than ever, as I breathe in his familiar cologne that I’ve missed all too much.

George: “Hey baby, I know you’re at school but I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday and I’m sorry that I can’t be there to celebrate such a special day with you.” I sigh as voicemail asks me if I want to delete the message and end the call. I shove my phone in my pocket and walk along the street to my home. As if it wasn’t bad enough that it was my birthday and I couldn’t see my boyfriend, none of my friends were available after school, even just to get an ice cream. My dad probably won’t be back from work until late and as I walk up the driveway, I notice that my mum’s car is gone. I open the front door and slam the door shut behind me, rub my eyes and go to open the door to the living room. “SURPRISE!” I scream as my friends and family jump out of all sorts of places and I feel my eyes fill with tears. Don’t cry, don’t cry, I think to myself. A finger taps my shoulder and I turn to meet George’s big eyes and wide, cheeky smile. “George!” I squeal, hugging him. The tears escape from the corners of my eyes and I turn to face everyone, smiling. “I really thought that no one cared,” I say, my voice barely a whisper. “Was this surprise enough?” George asks, moving forwards so that I can see him. “This was amazing. Thank you, everyone,” I say, laughing, as the people that mean the most to me move forwards for a group hug.

JJ: I switch my lamp on as I hear a small thud against the wall. There’s another one and I sit up. Something comes in through the window and I go to pick it up. It’s a small stone, so I go to throw it out the window. “(Y/N)!” It’s JJ. “I’m assuming that didn’t happen how you expected it to?” I hiss back at him. “Why do you sleep with your window open?!” he calls back up. “What are you even doing here?!” I say. “Your tour starts tomorrow!” “I know, I wanted to say goodbye.” “We said goodbye earlier.” “(Y/N), we won’t see each other for weeks. I’m going to miss you so much, I just wanted to see you one last time,” he says. “Wait,” I say, closing the window and running downstairs. I open the door as quietly as possible and he comes to me. “I’m going to miss you too. It’s going to be so hard,” I whisper. “But then I’ll be back and we can be together again,” he murmurs back, my forehead pressed against his. “Until the next time.” “Shh. We have all summer together. Focus on that, all the things we can do together.” He caresses my hair and I lean my head upwards to kiss him. I cup his face in my hands and smile at him. “Bye JJ.” “Bye (Y/N). I’ll miss you so much.” “I’ll miss you too.” I watch as he goes to his car and wave as he drives down the street.

Jaymi: I throw my pen down in frustration and hold my head in my hands, groaning. Trigonometry is the worst thing to have happened to me and, seeing as I’ve left all my homework until the last minute, I can’t remember how to use the SOH CAH TOA rule and it’s killing me. I’ve been home alone for three hours already and I’ve taken advantage of it by turning the volume on the radio as high as I could stand and singing at the top of my voice. As I make whimpering sounds and grab my pen to have another go, the doorbell rings. The excitement at having a distraction overwhelms me and I run to the door, yanking it open with as much force as possible. “Hey baby,” my guest says, his smile wide. He’s holding a single buttercup that he holds up to my chin. “How sweet are you?” “How sweet am I?! You’re the one that came here just to see me,” I laugh. “So am I going to stand out here all day or…?” I let him in and tell him that I’m doing trig. “Ah. Let me see what I can do,” he responds, taking my book. After a while, he tells me to sit next to him and he shows me how to do it. “Do you understand now?” he asks. “It’s much clearer.” “Good. As soon as this is done, we can go out and do something.” I finish my homework, by which time he’s flicked through the channels and switched King Kong on. I throw my pen down once more and lean into his arms. He cuddles me and I nestle my head into his neck. “Thank you, Jaymi,” I murmur. “For what?” “For showing me how to do it. And for coming here. You really cheered me up.” “I’m glad, (Y/N) I hate it when you’re not happy.” He kisses the top of my head and we settle to watch the movie.


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