Preference #154: You Get Drunk Together

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You both are the funny kind of drunks. You literally start snickering at nothing. Snickering turns into giggling, giggling turns into laughter, and the next thing you know you’re both crying in laughter. Some people give you dirty looks, some smile at how crazy you are, both you don’t care, because you love each other and you’re having a good time.

Josh is the horny drunk. He can’t take his hands off you when he’s drunk and you’re too dizzy to protest. Not like you would. You enjoy having his lips on you, his arms around you, and his chest tightly pressed to your back. Eventually he begs for you to leave with him, having plans for the night, because it’s always much fun with alcohol.

He’s the sleepy drunk, and you’re the talkative one. You can’t shut up for a minute, and he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings by telling you to shut up, so he always falls asleep while listening to you. You find it cute, and you don’t have the heart to wake him up, so you fall asleep as well. It’s always a friend of yours who has to take care of you both.

You’re the worst pairing of all when you’re both drunk. That’s because he tends to get quite aggressive, which -while around you- comes out as jealousy, and you’re quite the flirtatious one. He usually ends up in a fight because of it- not with you, of course, he could never hurt you- which you tell him you don’t like. That’s a bit of a lie, though. You love when he’s jealous.

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