Preference #127: New Year's Eve.

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Josh: "So you're trying to tell me you have NEVER had a New Year's kiss?" You rolled your eyes, blushing. "Yes, now can we stop advertising it for everyone to hear?" Josh took a look around the crowded party room, pulling you in by the waist, and kissing your neck. "Well, we'll have to remedy that." He said, giving your neck a quick nip. You pushed him away giggling, "And why would I give you my first New Year's kiss, mister?" He raised his eyebrows playfully, "Because I'm awfully cute." He reasoned, before busting out into laughter. "THREE, TWO, ONE!" The crowd around you yelled, turning towards Josh you grabbed his cheeks, pressing your lips firmly into his. Josh smiled into the kiss, pulling you closer by wrapping his arms around your waist. You pulled away, absolutely beaming, "Glad I was your New Year's kiss?" Josh asked, smiling. You smiled, snuggling into his neck, "Happy New Year, Joshie." "Happy New Year Y/N"

George: You snuggled closer to George on the couch, the New Year's special running in the background. "I cannot believe this year is over." George murmured, placing a soft kiss on your hair. "I know, it seems like just yesterday that you auditioned." You replied, looking up at him. He pulled you closer, grinning, "You know, I'm so happy I got to spend this last year with you. It's been one of the best of my life." "Oh George!" You smiled, giving him a peck on the lips. "And this is exactly the best way to spend it." George smiled, returning his eyes to the tv. "Oh babe!" George said, "we missed the New Year." You looked back at the television, shocked, the couples on tv were already kissing with vast enthusiasm. "Say we join them?" George asked. You nodded as he pressed his lips to yours. "Happy New Year's sweetheart." George said, pulling you off the couch. "What are we doing?" You asked, George led you to the window. Your eyes opened wide as the London fireworks exploded across the night sky. "They're beautiful." You said, looking out into the night sky. "Yeah, you are." George responded, pressing his lips to the back of your head.

Jaymi: Jaymi looked over at you, his eyes shining. "Your turn." He said, holding out a card. You flipped it over, smiling. "Ok, Aged; old, ancient, mature." Everyone shuffled into their hand, and you could tell who had the good card. "Ok, you're definitely going to pick mine" your cousin yelled, slamming his red card down onto the table. You and Jaymi had decided to go along with your family tradition of playing board games on New Year's Eve. Once everyone had played you examined the cards "Ok, we have Cuba, Grandma, Helen Keller, Clint Eastwood, and Abraham Lincoln." You paused for a moment, "Ok, well, considering he's dead I will have to go with Abe." "Yes!" Jaymi yelled, pumping his fist in the air. Your cousin pouted, slamming his fist on the table. "Clint Eastwood is ANCIENT!" He boomed, as Jaymi gave you a high five. "Thanks babe." He said, giving you a kiss on the cheek. "Looks like we've been spending too much time together!" You said, giving Jaymi a quick kiss. "Aw get a room!" Your cousin said. Jaymi raised his eyebrows, moving his mouth to yours. You pulled away, blushing, as your family wolf whistled. "Best. New Year's ever!" Jaymi said.

JJ: "Hey baabe." JJ slurred, slinging his arms around your waist. "Hey J, feeling a little happy are we?" You asked, grinning. JJ nodded, pressing a sloppy kiss to your cheek, "Yeah, but I missed you, you know?" He asked. You smiled, "JJ, I only went to the bathroom." He plopped down on the barstool, pulling you so you were sitting in his lap, "Yeah, but it felt like forever." He whined, trying to give you a kiss, you averted your face, trying to stop the alcohol breath. You looked over at the dance floor as "Call Me Maybe" started blasting from the DJ's speakers. The next thing you knew JJ was dragging you onto the floor, barely caring that you had to push through the extreme crowd of people. JJ grabbed your hands, twisting his hips back and forth. "Look right, at you baby, but here's my number so CALL ME MAYBE!" JJ sang, extremely off-key. You couldn't help but smile as he pulled you closer, and you started to join in the horrid singing. "Thanks for celebrating the New Year with me," JJ said, his breath hitting your ear. You brought your mouth to his year, "Of course, even if you definitely won't remember it!"

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