Chapter One

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Hey guys! So this is my first fan fiction and I'm really excited i hope you like it! So here's the first chapter. :)


*Rylie's POV*

I walked down stairs to say good bye to my dad before he left to go on his business trip. I was terrified because that meant i would be left alone with my mother for 2 months... My mother wasn't the most pleasant person in the world.

"Dad i'll miss you so much." I said wrapping my arms around his neck as he picked me up.

"I'll miss you more pumpkin" I hugged him as tight as i could because i wanted to be with someone for the last 20 minutes who actually loved me.

My dad was my best friend because all the people at school thought is was weird since they saw my cuts and bruises. No one ever talked to me. The reason why i had these cuts and bruises is because of my mother... My mother has been beating me for 3 years now. My dad has seen my mother hit me before and has protected me, but little did he know that she beats me every night while hes away.

He had always asked what the bruises and cuts were from but i was to scared to tell him the truth so i told him it was from just being clumsy. I was still hugging my dad and i didn't want to let go. I wanted him to take me with him on his business trip, but of course that would never happen. My dad let go and put his hand on my cheek.

"Rylie, i love you, you do know that right?" He spoke staring at me with his hand on my cheek.

"Yes, Dad i do know that... but i don't want you to leave." I started to tear up a little and felt a tear roll down my right cheek. He wiped it away and kissed me on the forehead. Although i was 17 i was getting a bit old to be best friends with my dad.

"Pumpkin don't cry it'll be fine i'll skype you, text you, call you EVERY day so i can hear my sweet little girls voice." He treated me like i was 10 but i didn't care it gave me comfort. We talked for the last 20 minutes before he left. When it was time for him to leave i started to cry. He hugged me tight and rubbed my back telling me that he loved me.

I wanted him to know how scared i was of my mom coming home. He grabbed my hand and we walked out the door together as he got in his car i wouldn't let go of his hand.

I wouldn't.

He kissed my hand then drove out of the drive way and waved to me and blew kiss i did the same right back to him. I went inside and i cried for about 5 minutes. I stopped knowing my mother would be home soon. I got so scared so i sucked it up and went to my bedroom.

As i got to my bedroom i herd my text ring tone. It was a text from my dad.

From: Daddy :)

I love you, pumpkin. I'll be back in 2 months it'll be alright. <3

I sat there just reading the text message from him wanting to just bawl my eyes out again. I sniffed then went to reply to him.

To: Daddy :)

I love you too

I then started to text my cousin Liam. Yes Liam Payne. My cousin is Liam Payne. I'm actually american and i lived in London. Wanna know why? Because my dad is british and my mom is american but i have an american accent because when i was younger i lived in america so i have an american accent. I should have a british one like my dads but i don't, and Liam was on my dads side of the family. He always cheered me up when my Dad coudn't. Liam also knew that my mother abused me.

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