Mard Geer x Reader ~ Movie Night

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(Y/n) (L/n) is the name of the smartest girl in school. Growing up in a family where all they care about is good grades, (y/n) doesn't have a lot of friends. None at all actually. At school she shows confidence and acts like she rules the school. But on the inside, she is just a shy girl that wants to be kind to everyone and have fun. 

But being raised to out shine everyone and only care for yourself, (y/n) could never be herself. Having to study everyday for most of the day, (y/n) is already smarter than the seniors in college. She used to love school, she enjoyed learning new things but now, she already knows everything. So at school (y/n) is bored, looking out the window every class, not paying attention. But always getting a 100% on any of her tests. Well not P.E tests, (y/n) isn't a very athletic girl.

(Y/n), bored of school, sent an application to the most academic school in the country. All though most people say that the school is used for evil reasons, (y/n) didn't care and neither did her parents. The school she now calls home, being a boarding school, is called Tartaros High.

(Y/n) was so excited to go to this school. Not because of the harder academic reason, but because it is a boarding school and she could finally be free from her controlling parents. She couldn't wait.

(Y/N)'s POV~

I step through the huge doors of Tartaros High. My usual blank face changes to a huge smile as I look at the huge front hall, filled with medieval decoration and students wearing the elegant student uniform. I walk to the center of the room and pick up a map of the school campus. It won't take me that long to figure the school out, but it is one huge school. I'll definitely need it right now.

I look at the map and find where the main office is. I make my way there quickly so that I will have more time to look around the school. Once I reach the main office I go to the girl behind the front desk. She has short black hair with weird bunny like ears. "Hello." I say grabbing her attention from her screen to me.

"Oh you must be the new student (y/n), right?" She asks.

"Yep that's me." I say giving her a closed eye smile.

"Well, your dorm room is number 21. And your in class 11A, also known as the nine demon gates."

"Wait, the nine demon gates?" I ask unsure as to why I'm apart of demon gates.

"Oh don't worry girl. That is just the class name, home to the smartest people in our school. There was going to ten when you joined but Silver, a previous student, got expelled." The girl says. I read her name tag and it says Lamy. Such a weird name.

"Oh I was wondering, who's my roommate?" I ask, excited about having a new friend. Actually my first friend.

"You don't have one. The Nine demon gates don't get roommates because they are higher up than most students." Lamy explains. I give her an 'oh' before walking away towards my dorm room.

I make it to my dorm and realize that I don't have a key. I look at the door and notice that there isn't even a keyhole for a key. I stare at the door in confusion on how I'm supposed to get into my room if there is no key.

I notice a green haired girl with a black haired girl walking this way. They seem to be having a conversation. I watch as they approach, what I think is the green haired girls room. The green haired girl, raises her hand to a black screen and places her hand on it. A light goes green and there is a clinking sound before the girls open the door and enters the room.

 I look back at my door and notice the same black screen. I place my hand on it, the light turns green and the door unlocks. I do a secret happy dance to myself before entering the room. I walk in and see that the room is absolutely perfect. In my favourite color scheme with all the most comfiest looking furniture. I sigh in content, putting my bags on the floor and flopping onto the bed.

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