Gajeel Ending - Something Real

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So sorry I'm late! :(

"So, all I have to do is choose one?" You asked.

"(Y/n), you aren't possibly thinking of actually doing that, right?" Lucy gasped.

"It's the only way guys, to making it easier. I have to choose."


Two days, it had been two days and still there was nothing from you. Lucy, Levy, Erza and Mira kept bugging you about the decision ever since you first told them that you were going to decide. But, through the sleepless nights, and drowsy days, you had concluded that you had nothing.

Sure, you weighed out your options, went through each boy one by one, but none of it felt... how would you say this? None of it felt right. And to be honest, you were kind of sick of it. The constant questions, the constant wondering, the constant feeling in your gut that no matter what you did it was going to be wrong. You were on the verge of giving up. It was only one week out of a fifty-two-week year, every year. It couldn't be that bad. Heck, you could just take a mission!

But it felt wrong, not choosing one. They had all given themselves to you and you would just reject them, make them think that none of them were good enough. That was just too mean and against you better judgement.

And to make matters worse, word got out. Somehow, someone heard that you were going to choose. It must have been one of the girls you had talked to; Lucy, Levy, Erza or Mira. They may have gotten impatient and accidently spilt. But that meant that the boys knew that you were going to choose.

The idea of not choosing was the easiest choice, you decided. Well before word got out. Now the five boys were expecting to get chosen. And worse, they were all stuck in the same place together, probably fighting over who will get your pick. You hated just thinking about it.

You weren't the only one that was feeling depressed about your decision to choose one of the boys, Gajeel felt it too. What set him apart from the others were two things. One, he scared you. Gajeel heard nonstop about the other's encounters with you and he knew his dulled in comparison. They already had a head start. But even worse, the other reason he was different, was one you didn't know, he liked you pre-mating week.

Gajeel was almost positive that none of them would have approached you had they not been clouded by hormones. And the idea that you would choose them, when even before hormones Gajeel wanted to approach you, was painful. Extremely painful.

You were pacing in the safe house. Levy was painfully watching out of the corner of her eyes as she pretended to read her book. You were frustrated. New idea's rose and you couldn't shake off the thought of how awkward it would be with all the boys even if you didn't choose. That wasn't something you could hide from in just a week. It would be there every single day. You had to choose!

"Levy, I'm going to go out from so fresh air, clear the mind." You told her as you made way towards the door. Levy opened her mouth to speak but you cut her off, "And yes, if I get a conclusion I will tell you straight away." You smiled and left.

You thought that the fresh air and different environment would help, but it made literally no difference. Nothing changed, you were still stuck. It was like quicksand. The more you thought the more you sunk into a pit of despair and worry. So, against your better judgment, you stopped thinking. It wouldn't solve anything, so, why do it? You adventured through Magnolia, buying and experiencing things here and there. Anything to clear your head.

Gajeel left the guild, this time he knew what he was doing. He had to leave, the way all the others talked about you was driving him insane. They wouldn't shut up about how they were going to get chosen because they were perfect for each other. It made him sick. So, he left the way he left last time, the whole he chewed in one of the metal beams.

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