Chapter Sixteen

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I throw the covers off of me and throw my legs over the side of the bed.

Wow. Last night was my definition of crazy. I wonder what today will have in store for me. I hope a day of relaxing. I haven't had one of those yet and that would be really nice.

I walk into the bathroom to prepare myself for the day. I start off by brushing my teeth then my hair once my mouth is sufficiently cleaned.

I throw my hair up in a ponytail and spray perfume on my neck.

Walking downstairs, I notice how quiet everything is. No one is shouting at anyone else. No one is singing a song for the new album. It is almost eerie.

I turn the corner and find everyone sitting together on the couch, with the exception of Michael who is sitting on a recliner in the corner.

Michael and I make eye contact with each other. I keep my eyes locked on him as he turns away and shifts his gaze down to his hands.

"Well! Good morning sunshine!" Luke welcomes me into the room and pats the open spot on the couch next to him.

I laugh at his enthusiasm and join them on the couch.

"We have some exciting news for you." Ashton smiles, as if he already knows I am going to love whatever this so-called news is.

"Did I win a million dollars? I finally won the lottery? I could really use the money. A million dollars would be nice right now." I joke.

Everyone erupts in to laughter except for Michael. What is going on with him today?

"I can just give you a million dollars if that is what you really want." He groans, rolling his eyes at me.

Okay. He is a bit hostile this morning. I wonder what his deal is. I will need to have a chat with him later. I bet this is probably about what happened and what I said to him last night after dinner and ditching the cameras. We will definitely need to talk this out.

"No. Not a million dollars. Luke's girlfriend is coming over soon to take you out dress shopping." Ashton smiles as he delivers the news.

Slightly less exciting than I imagined. But it will do I guess.

I am confused. Why would I go out dress shopping with a stranger? Especially when I wear dresses practically every day?

"You guys," I sigh. "I already have plenty of dresses. Plus, you guys already bought me a few. Thank you by the way. But I definitely do not need anymore."

"I suppose you are right. But do you think any of those would work for an award show televised all over the world?" Calum asks, smirking as the realization hits my face.

I look around at each of them, including Michael who is still looking at his fingers, wondering if this is really happening. Is this real or am I just dreaming this?

"She will be here in just under an hour. You had better get ready." Luke punches me playfully in my arm.

I stand and smile. I am going to a real award show. This is so cool.

I run out of the room and up the stairs. This is so exciting! Ah! All of those shows I used to watch on the television as a kid, now I get to be one of those lucky people who get to sit among the biggest celebrities on this earth. Wow.

I am totally winning at the game of life right now.

But I have to get through today first. What am I going to wear? I bet Luke's girlfriend is some sort of fashion legend. I have to look nice for her so she thinks I am cool. She is already accustomed to this life style. I don't want her thinking I am some weird outsider.

Michael comes in to my room and shuts the door behind him. He yanks on my arm and pulls me in for a hug.

"What is this?" I ask, wondering where this came from. He was just mad at me downstairs and now he is hugging me.

"A hug. People usually do this to the people they care about. Sometimes to say hello. Others to say goodbye and sometimes just because." He explains with a smug look on his face.

"I know what is it silly. But why? What was with you down there?" I ask, explaining myself further.

"Can't let them know I've gone soft." Michael shrugs and releases me.

"Why not? It really isn't a big deal. It means you have changed. That all of your hard work is paying off." I step back and look up at him.

"I don't want to change, Daniella. I just want you." Michael sighs.

"Michael-" I sigh. I don't even know what to say to him. This is a job. Before anything else it is a job. We need to remember that. Both of us.

"I know, I know. One day at a time." Michael mocks my tone. "But I don't want to take it one day at a time. I want to kiss you and not have to feel guilty about it-"


"I know." Michael hangs his head and fumbles with his fingers.

"Then kiss me, Michael ." He looks up at me, confused for a second. "If you want to kiss me so bad, then do it." He stands still, shocked at what I have just said. He waits a moment an takes my face in his hand before kissing me softly.

"See. Not so bad. And I won't even make you say sorry." I joke and turn to my dresser.

Now, back to what I am going to wear.

"That's it?" He asks.

"What is it?" I ask, not understanding.

"That is all I get?" He asks, arms out wide with confusion.

"What is? Michael, I am really confused here." I shake my head.

"Just a kiss? Nothing else?" He asks.

"Michael we- I'm- we-" I stumble to find words. I am not doing that with him. It is way too weird to think about that right now. Is that really all that is on his mind? Sex?

"No. Not like that. I mean no conversation? No explanation or anything?" He clarifies.

I shrug. "What do I say?" I ask, genuinely not understanding what he wants from me.

"You know what? Never mind. Forget any of this happened. Just go home." Michael opens the door and storms out of the room.

"Michael!" I shout after him.

What did I do?

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