Chapter 2

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•River's POV•

We finally got to school and Grayson had no idea where anything was.

"Hey River, can you help me find my locker?" he asked me.

"Yea sure. What's the number?" I asked.

"1460." he said.

"So that's down the south hall. Come on!"

I walked him down the hallway and showed him to his locker.

"Thanks Riv. I can call you Riv, right?" he asked.

"Yea totally." I said.

"Ok cool I'll see you later then."

"Oh I'll see you in Math. We have it together." I said.

"How'd you know?" he asked me.

"I saw your schedule on your paper when you were looking for your locker." I said.

"Ok then Math. I'll see you in Math." he said smiling.

I walked off to go to Science.

Its lunch. I'm starving. But I know I can't eat anything. 3 weeks now I've gone without a meal. I feel so slim yet so fat.

I passed by the lunch room and went to the library. I'm the type of girl who studies on her free time.

I like to feel smarter than I look.

It felt like a century before lunch was over. I packed up my supplies and ran off to Social Studies.

It was finally time for Math.

My last subject of the day.

God I can't wait till I get home and flop down onto my comfy bed. Ugh how I miss it.

Oh and I almost forgot that this is the only subject that I have with Grayson. I walked into the room and sat a seat near the back.

I don't really like to be called on much.

I hate being in front of people. I always embarrass myself in some kind of way.

In 7th grade, I went up to do my speech in front of the class and I didn't realize that my period had gone through my pants until Jason pointed it out. Although he did get in trouble for looking at my ass anyway.

Grayson walked in the room and sat near me in the back.

"Hey." he whispered.

"I didn't see you at lunch. Are you ok?" he said.

"Oh yea I'm fine. I'm just not much of an eater." I said.

He was about to say something but then the teacher started class.

After school, I waited for Grayson by my locker so we could ride the bus together but he never showed up. I shrugged it off and walked to the bus myself.

Right when the bus was about to leave Grayson ran up to it and hopped on.

I motioned for him to sit next to me but instead he just looked at me weird and sat down next to some other boy.

What was he doing? What kind of game was he playing?

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