Chapter 20

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•Grayson's POV•

I pick up Ethan's journal and bring it back to my room, placing it under my bed.

I know Riv is confused but it will be hard for her to understand.

I walked down the stairs to see her sleeping silently on the couch.

She wanted to go home, I could tell. But I couldn't let her go back. She'll get hurt again. She means too much to me and I can't let that happen again.

With Ethan too. I cant let him hurt her again.

I open the door to the basement and walk down the stairs.

I turn around to make sure Riv wasn't following me. You never know.

I silently walk across the room and over to the hallway closet. I open the door and reach up to feel around on the top shelf. My finger tips come across the small box I was looking for.

It's still here.

I pull the box down and bring over to the couch, placing it softly on the cushions.

I swipe my hand over the top, removing all the dust. I could still read the small letters wrote in scribbled sharpie.

"His Characters"

I open the box and dig around inside. I catch glimpses of all his different people he used to be. His monsters.

Then I come across the picture I wanted. Thick, red marker was written across his eyes.

"Tanner Renning"

I take the picture out and looked at it closely. The fire in his eyes. The devilish smirk on his lips.

Just the way I remembered him.

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