Chapter 5

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•River's POV•

I walked into the lunch room with Grayson. The smell of food scared me, I don't know if I could handle it.

I tensed up. Seeing everyone stuffing food in their mouth made me feel nauseous.

Grayson saw my expression and intertwined our fingers.

"It's gonna be ok. Just let me know if you feel sick or something." he said.

"I'll be fine." I lied.

"Go sit down in that corner over there and I'll buy you something small, ok?" he said pointing to a lonely table in the corner of the room.

I smiled at him and went to go sit down. I closed my eyes not wanting to see food. It's taunting.

It's been to long since I've been in this lunch room. Too many memories were made.

I tried to plug my ears with my fingers but the sounds kept flooding in. Laugher, munching of food, yelling, I couldn't take it.

I was about to leave when someone placed their hand on my shoulder.

"You ok?" Grayson asked.

"I'm fine." I said.

He slipped a small bowl of carrots and ranch I between my arms.

"You don't have to eat it all. Just try." he said.

I opened up the carton and took out a carrot. I couldn't eat it. It scared me. What if I gain weight? What if I can't lose the weight? What if I become fat again?

All these thoughts rushed through my mind but then Grayson lifted up my chin with his finger.

"You can eat it. I'm here if you need me."

he said placing his hand on mine rubbing small circles with his thumb. I bit a piece off of the carrot.

The taste was so good. Better than the last time I ever had some actual food.

One by one, I ate the carrots until they were all gone. A smile washed over my face as I saw Grayson smiling at me.

"One step at a time." he said.

•Grayson's POV•

I watched as she ate the last carrot. She didn't use any of the ranch but that was fine.

I smiled at her as she smiled back. I was so proud of her for finishing the bowl.

"One step at a time." I said.

Finally it was the end of the day. I shoved everything in my bag and passed by Riv's locker.

She wasn't there so I assumed she was already on the bus.

I started walking to the doors until I heard the sound of vomiting.

One person came to my mind at that moment.


I rushed into the girls bathroom where the sound was coming from not caring if any other girls were in there.

I opened the first stall and there she was.

Her arms were wrapped around her legs and her head was in her knees.

I sat down next to her as she looked up at me with mascara running down her cheeks.

"Grayson you can't be in here. This is the girls bathroom." she said.

"But you're hurting. I need to be here." I said.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and pushed her into my chest.

I stroked her long brown hair and whispered calming things to her.

"I was so close to g-getting better Grayson. Then t-they took over a-again." she said in between sobs.

I wiped away her tears with my thumb.

"It's ok. You still have other chances."

She looked up at me.

"I'm gonna end up the same way every time. Like this." she said.

"I'm not gonna let you." I said.

I looked down at her lips. They looked so soft, so innocent. I couldn't take it anymore.

I smashed my lips into hers, colliding with her delicate skin. She was taken by surprise at first but then she kissed back. I could taste the beat up carrot on her tongue but I didn't care.

She pulled back.

"I'm sorry Grayson, but I can't." She started to get up.

"What's wrong?" I asked tugging on her arm.

"I'm fragile Grayson. Play with me to much and I'll break. I won't be able to handle what you give me."

And with that she left the bathroom. I can't believe it. Then if she's fragile, I'm gonna need more than one piece of bubble wrap to earn her full on trust.

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