Chapter 42

978 27 16

•Grayson's POV•

"River, put the gun down..." I say, trying to calm her.

She looks at me strange, tilting her head to the left. Still pointing the gun at me, grin appears on her lips.

"River," I speak.

She looks like a total maniac. Her hair was messy, her eyes were bloodshot. And of corse she was pointing a damn gun at my chest.

It was quiet for multiple minutes. She couldn't speak, and I was afraid to.

She finally opens her mouth to speak after a long while.

"It was his gun."

I feel a pit form in my stomach. Does she mean...

"Ethan. He gave it to me and told me to use it if he ever went insane on me. I didn't know what he meant, but looks like I do now." she says.

Color rushes from my face.

"Look, shooting me isn't going to prove anything. I know you just lost your last piece of family and it's hard-" I get interrupted by a large bang.

I duck my head into my hands. Did she just-

"It's the police! Open up!"

Large bangs come from the door downstairs.

I look up and see Riv is just as shocked as I am. The gun is sprawled on the floor. I quickly grab it before she has a chance to.

I run downstairs and throw it into a random drawer in the kitchen.

I breathe out deeply before walking over and opening the door.

"Why are you in here son? The operator told you to wait outside." an officer says, pushing me aside.

"No wait, officer, my ugh, my girlfriend is upstairs in the room at the end of the hallway. She's umm, extremely suicidal because of the loss. She tried to shoot her self. The gun is in that drawer right over there." I say pointing to the drawer I threw it in.

More officers run into the house.

Two run upstairs and the others were trying to get the body in a bag.

The officer I told about the gun, he went and revived it, putting it in a bag.

The two officers brought Riv downstairs, both holding each of her arms.

She looked more calm now. She had been crying tho, I could tell.

She was just trying to find a way over the fact that her dad is gone. I mean I understand, when Ethan tried to kill himself in front of me I wanted to murder everyone.

It hurts.

She looked over at me, and started to get out of the officers grasp. They tried to grab her, but she ran.

She ran right to me and into my arms.

I spun her around and squeezed her so tight, I was surprised she could still breathe.

She let go and looked up into my eyes.

"I'm so sorry..." she whispers.

I grab her again, tightly.

"It's ok babygirl." I whisper into her hair.

This time, I pull away and place a kiss on her cheek. I wipe the tears off her cheek.

"I feel insane." she says.

The sirens surround us fill my ears as I stare down at her.

"We both are."

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