Chapter 32

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•Riv's POV•

Grayson walks out of the room and i go through all my old clothes.

I know I have a sexy dress in here somewhere.

I finally found it at the very bottom of the pile. Still black leather and tight as ever.

I take off my sweater and remember that my arms were still wrapped up in gauze from last night.

I decided to leave them wrapped. I didn't want to expose my arms anyway.

The dress had no sleeves but I also didn't want to wear a jacket. I guess I'll just tough it out.

I slip the dress on and go look in the mirror. I actually looked, stunning.

I hope I can keep the food down. This is my last chance.

I walk into the bathroom across the hall and bring my makeup with me.

My dad actually gets me when he's sober. He knows I need my makeup. I laugh a bit.

I caked my face and I actually looked pretty decent.

I step out of the bathroom and see Grayson standing in the hallway with a suit on. Very handsome must I say.

"Wow you look, amazing." he says, coming over to me and looking me over.

"And you as well." I say, giggling.

He plants a kiss on my forehead then drags me down the stairs. I brought some high heals from my pile of things and put them on quickly as he continues to pull me to the car.

I opens the door for me and I step in. He runs around to the other side and gets in, starting the car.

As he backs out, I ask, "So where exactly are we going?"

He looks over at me and smiles.

"Now that is for me to know and you to find out." he says winking at me and backing out of the driveway.

Further into the ride, we have small off and on conversations about pretty much everything. Even sex life.

I guess he's not a virgin.

I look out the window and see he's driving me into the city.

"Grayson, I swear if this place costs over $1,000 I'm breaking up with you." I say.

"Oh c'mon, I'm not aloud to spend that much on my princess?" he says chuckling.

I got butterflies in my stomach the moment he called me princess.

I giggle and continue to watch the city lights pass by my window.


We finally arrive and this restaurant even has ballet parking. I swear this boy and his money.

He holds the door for me and I walk in.

Fancy dining, chandeliers handing over the tables and may I say, there were some pretty hot waiters.

Grayson walks up the lady who held reservations.

"Dolan." Grayson tells her.

"For 2?" she asks, looking over at me.

She notices my bandages and gives a bit of a eye roll. Whatever.

"Right this way." she says leading us around the corner and to a booth by the window.

"Your waiter will be with you any moment." she says then walks off.

I sit down and Grayson sits across from me, smiling like a total idiot.

"Feel pampered yet?" he asks.

"I'm definitely not used it so, yea kinda." I say laughing.

"Well get used it princess. I finally have someone to spend my money on." he says reaching over and placing his hand on top of mine.

I blush at his touch.

"I love you."

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