Chapter 14

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*Riv's POV*

I looked down at the plate of pancakes in front of me. When did I get these?


Grayson followed my gaze.

"You should eat." he says.

"I don't even know why I picked them up. What was I thinking?"

Then I remember. He came up behind me when I was picking up the pancakes, and I looked into his eyes.

They calmed me down, enough to make me forget about my disorder. How is that even possible?

His eyes.

They do something to me.

I quickly grab the plate and bring it back into the kitchen.

I slid the pancakes off and into the trash. The smell was already causing me to get a headache.

"River, what's wrong?" Grayson asks coming into the kitchen behind me.

I look down, not wanting to make eye contact.

"I umm, I have to go Gray. I'll see you later." I say walking over to the door.

Grayson comes behind me. Before I can even open the door, he moves so he standing I front of it.

"Grayson, I have to go." I say trying to squeeze my hand behind his back to grab the door handle.

He moves my hand away and grasps my hips.

"River, look at me." he says.

I look down at the ground, knowing I'm not going anywhere.


I continue to stare at the tile lining the floor. He moves a finger under my chin, lifting my head up.

I look up at him and our eyes instantly lock. I stare deeper into the color of his eyes.

Specks of brown, with green surrounding them. I could see the reflection of my self, standing there with his hands gripping my hips.

A sense of relief washes over me. I just felt safe.

"Hazelnut" I whisper.

"What?" he asks.

I jump back into reality and realize what I just said.

"Your eyes. They're hazelnut." I say, blushing.

"Do you like them?" he asks, chuckling a bit.

"No." I laugh.

He looks at me, confused.

"I love them." I say.

A smirk comes into play on his lips.

"Well guess what?"

"What?" I ask.

"I love yours too." he says.

"What? These pitch black holes? Yea, sure." I giggle pointing to my eyes.

They had no color to them, just boring, plain, dark brown. They just looked black from a far.

"I'm serious Riv. I love them so much. Whenever I get the chance to lock eyes with you, I just get lost in them."

I just stare at him. He's gotta be joking. My eyes are honestly the most boring eyes anybody could ever have.

"Puppy dog eyes." He whispers

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