Chapter 16

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•Riv's POV•

"YOU ARE THE REASON YOUR MOTHER IS DEAD!" my dad screamed in my face, making sure to spit all over the place also.

"Dad stop please!" I pleaded, backing up against the wall.

The same wall with the hole in it from our big fight a couple months ago.

'I'm going to die today' I said in my head. 'I'm not going to live my happy life like I wanted'

My dad continued screaming and I could no longer hear what he was saying.

Nothing was flowing correctly into my mind. I saw him walk over to the couch to grab something, probably a belt.

This was my chance to run.

I bolt up the stairs as fast as I could until he grabbed my arm hard.

He pulled me back down the stairs and shoved me to the ground.

A beer bottle was in his hand now. The last thing I remember was him smashing the bottle on my head, I felt a sharp pain in my head then everything went black.

•Grayson's POV•

I walk in, taking everything in. Riv lying on the floor in a pool of blood.

Her head nearly cracked open. Her dad walking away with a broken beer bottle in his hand.

My emotions turn from sadness, to anger and then to pure rage.

I lunged toward her dad who had his back to me and tighten my arms around his neck.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I screamed tightening my grasp.

He is struggling to get my arms off of him and ripping at my skin with his nails. I try and pull him down but he is too strong.

He manages to get my arms off of him and throws me to the ground.

"You again." he says through gridded teeth.

He knees my nose and I hear a loud popping noise.

He broke my nose.

I struggle to get to my feet before he shoves me back down again.

"Get the fuck out of my house." he says walking away. He stops suddenly.

"And stay the hell away from my daughter." he says exiting the room.

I hold my hand up to my nose and feel the skin around it, bumps in all different places.

I take my hand away and look down at it. It was drenched in blood.

Then I remembered why I was here. I look behind me a see Riv still lying in the small pool of blood, not moving.

I crawl over to her and pick up her hand, pressing the pad of my thumb to her wrist over one of her scars.

I felt a beat. She's alive.

I exhaled deeply in relief. I put my hand under her legs and the other behind her back.

I lifted her up gently and walked over to the door.

"This is the last time I'm gonna let you stay here baby." I whispered into her hair before walking out of the house.

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