Chapter 41

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•Grayson's POV•

I run to where I knew Riv would be, or at least I hope she was there.

My dad had actually agreed to let her stay. I told him about Cam's room and the fact that we aren't a "thing" but he didn't believe me.

He could tell I cared about her much more than any friend. I don't blame him.

I open the door and look over to see Riv in the corner of the room, looking up at the fan, spinning in circles.

She seemed to be, laughing to herself?

"Riv, what are you doing?" I ask, walking over to her.

She sees me and immediately, her smile drops into a frown. She nudges her head to the ground beneath the fan.

I turn and look over at what she was "laughing" at.

The body of her father lay dead on the floor, with a noose around his neck.

My eyes bulge out of their sockets at the sight. This was insane. Did she do this?

"River, you didn't do this, did you?" I ask, turning back to her slowly.

She lets out a large laugh, making her snort. She shakes her head.

"The son of a bitch killed himself, lied to me. He thought the best way to repay me for all of the things he's done is to get out of my life completely." she says.

She wasn't even crying. She's normally such a sensitive person.

I go in to hug her but she pushes me away. She starts laughing again.

"I'm not sad Grayson, this is the best I've ever felt in my life! I feel free!" she screams, running around in circles.

Her dad is dead, in the middle of the room, and she's dancing? What the hell is going on with her?

"River, we need to get the body out. I'm calling the paramedics."

Just as I am about to get my phone out of my pocket, she grabs it away from me.

"Riv, stop. Give it back, this is serious." I say, trying to take it back.

But she runs. She runs everywhere throughout the house. She has so much energy, what the hell?

I couldn't chase after her, it would be impossible to catch her.

I look around to see if there's another phone laying somewhere. To my luck, there was a house phone in the kitchen.

I run over and grab it, dialing 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Hi, my umm, my girlfriend's dad, he's ugh, dead. We found his body today and it seems old."

"Are you sure he's dead? Did you check his pulse?"

"Yes I'm sure. He's not breathing or moving and he has a noose around his neck."

"Where is he now?"

"On the floor in the living room."

"Alright well what's the address, the paramedics will be on their way shortly."

"11275 Olivia Rose."

"Ok, don't touch the body and get out of the house, they will be there soon."

I put down the phone, and grin. I turn around and head up the stairs. Fuck it smells horrible in here.

"River? Riverrrrrr." I call out.

I open many doors, until I come across one. Must be her room.

It was cute, with blue painted walls and a picture of New York above her bed. She really does love the city.

I turn back around and keep heading down the hallway, then see a door peeked open a bit.

I smirk to myself, knowing she's in there. I open the door a bit more and see Riv sitting on the ground, rocking back and forth.

"Riv?" I whisper.

She jumps and turns around with something in her hand...

It's pointed at me.

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