Chapter 22

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•River's POV•

I walk up to Grayson's house with my dad trailing behind me.

"This is it." I speak softly before walking in.

"Riv?" Grayson calls from somewhere in the house.

"Yea?" I yell back.

Grayson comes running down the stairs with a huge smile on his face. I don't think he's noticed my dad yet.

He starts to sprint toward me but then, stops.

His eyes grower darker.

"River, get over here now." Grayson says through gritted teeth.

"Gray, he's sober." I say, walking over to him.

Grayson eyes my dad for a few second before grabbing my arm and pushing me behind him.

"Grayson stop." I whisper, but he doesn't listen.

"What do you want?" Grayson says still looking at my dad furiously.

My dad notices Grayson's nose.

"I'm sorry for that." he says, punting to his nose.

Grayson just continues to stare at him.

My dad looks at me then back at Grayson and hesitates.

"I want you to adopt my daughter." he says, standing up a bit straighter.

"W-what?" Grayson asks, shocked.

"I've done many horrible things to her that I can NEVER make up. She can't stay with me anymore. I turned myself in. She needs somewhere safe to stay." my dad says looking at me with sad eyes.

I gulp down my pain and blink back tears.

"Are y-you sure you w-want her to stay with me?" Grayson asks, shaking.

"She said she feels the most safe around you." he says.

Grayson smiles a bit. I step out from behind him.

"I'll go get the papers." my dad says, turning around and walking out the door.

"You feel safe around me?" Grayson asks, smirking down at me.

I blush and look down.

"I little." I say.

He suddenly hugs me and swings me around as I start to giggle, then placed me back down.

"I'm glad I make you feel that way." he whispers in my hair.

My dad walks back in with the adoption papers and a pen.

"When your parents get back, tell them to sign this. I'll be waiting." he says handing it to Grayson then walking out the door.

"Wait dad!" I say running out to catch up to him.

He turns around and smiles.

"Yes?" he says, holding back tears.

"This isn't goodbye yet, right?" I say looking up at him.

"Not yet. he whispers.

I hug him tightly and let go.

"I love you dad." I say.

"I love you too River."

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