Chapter 40

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•Riv's POV•

The simple word rolled right off his tongue so easily. As if it was something he had been thinking about for such a long time.

"D-dad you don't understand..." Grayson try's to speak but his dad cuts him off.

"I said no. She can't stay here. She has no where to sleep and I sure as hell am not letting her sleep in your room Grayson." his dad speaks, walking away from me.

I stand there in utter shock, still shaking. I look back at Grayson.

His eyes show sympathy, as he try to clear things with his dad. I could no longer hear anything. My ears were numb.

Everything felt numb. I was scared.

Grayson glances over at me every once in a while, with pleading eyes. He felt bad for me.

I could show no emotion back to him. I didn't know what I was going to do. I couldn't leave Grayson. I don't want to live in foster homes.

I couldn't take this anymore.

I ran past Grayson and his dad and put the door. I ran so fast down the stairs I basically skipped down them.

I didn't even pay attention to what I was wearing. I didn't even put on shoes, but threw open the front door and ran down the street.

Grayson had probably been yelling at me to stop, but I couldn't hear him.

After my lungs began to burn and my legs felt numb, I finally reached where I wanted to go.

My house.

I opened the door quietly, I mean of corse it was unlocked.

I stepped inside and shut the door behind me. I didn't want to turn around.

A strong knot began to form in my stomch, I just simply could not turn around.

But I did.

The smell entered my nose first, before the sight caught me off guard. Pure horror was plastered onto my face as I looked up.

He seemed to be swaying, as if it had just happened. But the smell was overwhelming, it must of been a couple days ago.

"Dad..." I whisper.

The words just seem to slip out of my mouth.

I stare up at his lifeless body hanging from the ceiling fan, with a noose tied around his neck.

His eyes were dead and lifeless. Lips slightly parted, tainted light purple.

My last piece of family, gone.

Tears brim my eyes, but I hold them back.

"I cant cry over, you." I say to basically no one.

I look over on the coffee table next to his swaying body. A note was placed neatly on it with the bold words,

Dear River

across the top.

I walk over and pick it up, trying to seem strong. I was done crying over my father.

Dear River,
         I'm sorry for everything I've done. You just left a couple minutes ago, I figured you wouldn't come back for a while so this was my time to do it. I hope you get a chance to read this.
I just want to say, I'm sorry for everything I did to you. I lied to you. The police were never coming for me. I never turned myself in. I had just stubbled upon your blades one night. I'm sorry for invading your space. I wanted to change who I was, but I knew I couldn't keep it up for long. I could never change the fact that I was never a father to you, I was never there for you. I don't know what else to say but sorry. I want to repay you, and the only way I can think of doing that is to be out of your life. Forever. Stick with that Grayson guy please, butterfly. He makes you so happy. I can see it in your eyes. I could never make you that happy. I'm with mom now, don't be sad. I love you. Don't forget about me, ok?

I look up at his body. I nod a bit.

"I'll never forget you, bitch."

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