12: Bombard Simon's House With Rubber Ducks

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Brace yourselves for this ... they're gonna remember last night!! Spooky ...

Sam felt the headache before he opened his eyes.

He groaned and sat up, rubbing his eyes furiously, his head pounding as if someone was hammering it with a mallet. He blinked his sore eyes open to see his roommate perched on the edge of Sam's bed, staring right at him. Gabriel's head snapped away as soon as he was caught looking, and Sam wondered what that was all about. Gabriel was never that awkward; usually in this situation he would have stared at Sam some more, winked, or maybe shot a pickup line at him.

Then a startling thought came to Sam - just what did we do last night?!

"Er, Gabe? Do you remember what we, uh ... did...?" Sam trailed off anxiously. Gabriel glanced quickly at him then resumed staring at his lap.


"Did we, uh ... have ...?"

Gabriel seemed to stare more intensely at his hands, which were clasped together in his lap. "No!" He said loudly, and his reply was so short that Sam nearly became suspicious. "No ... you would feel it if we had ..."

"What do you mean by feel?" Sam questioned apprehensively. Gabriel shifted around on the bed and took a deep breath.

"Like for example, does your ass hurt?" He said bluntly.

Sam choked on his spit. "What?"

"Does it?" Gabriel prompted.

Sam stared incredulously at his roommate. "No!"

"Good. Mine doesn't either, which means we didn't fuck."

"Say it like it is!" Sam exclaimed sarcastically, blushing slightly.

"Now, does your mouth hurt? Like it's been, uh, stretched or whatever ...?" Gabriel managed to mutter out, an immature giggle escaping him at the end of his sentence.

"Oh my days, Gabe!" Sam banged his head against his pillow. "No." He said firmly with finality.

"Same." The trickster said. "Which means we probably didn't do oral, either - unless one of us has a really small dick ..."

"Oh my days ..." Sam repeated with a groan, burying his face in his pillow.

"We can if ya want ..." He heard the confidence creeping back into Gabriel's voice, and he groaned again.

"No!" Just as Sam shouted into the pillow, a tidal wave of memories crashed into him from the night before.

Gabriel's mouth against his...

"Nice to meetcha ..."

He didn't want the sensation to end, he wanted more, no, he craved more...

He jerked forwards, caught Gabriel up in his arms, who was looking so dazed and confused yet had a small smirk, which only made Sam more fervent and feverish, and kissed his roommate again and again just to feel that slick wet heat more and more...

They were outside, walking the streets in the dark, giggling and leaning on each other, swaying from side to side as they made their way to the Tesco several blocks down. It was the only shop open at this time of night, and even though it wasn't such a good idea to be stumbling around at midnight, they were both drunk out of their minds - and they loved it.

"I legit love you, Sammay!" Gabriel slurred with a giggle, staggering over a rock and landing in Sam's arms. His friend set him upright, and they both started stumbling again. "But no homo though!"

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