42: Make My Fiancé Swoop Me Up In His Arms

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Sorry I was away for like a month lmao I was doing shitty exams that determine the rest of my life😕 someone pls kill me

"One of you will break!" The guy with the gun huffed, pacing back and forth before Gabe and Emma who were sitting casually cross-legged on the ground, subtly playing rock-paper-scissors.

"One of you will break!" Gabe said mockingly while Emma said at the same time, "I will break your neck!"

They looked at each other, surprised, then turned back to the guy.

"What's your name, fat-ass?" Gabe sniggered.

"I am not a fat-ass!" The guy snarled, pointing his gun at Gabe. Gabe and Emma giggled.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night..." Gabe trailed off, grinning.

The guy started pacing again.


Back in the cafeteria, Sam and the others heard a huge BANG followed by, "My name is CROWLEY, damnit!"

Sam picked at the healing bite mark on his shoulder anxiously. Was that a gunshot? Is Gabe hurt? Oh, please don't let him be hurt...

"What happened?" Kevin attempted to make casual conversation as they sat in a circle on the ground, the guys in black guarding them, pointing at the wound on his shoulder.

"Gabriel." Sam sighed. Kevin pointedly looked away, eyebrows raised and eyes wide.

"Kinky." Sam heard him mutter, and Lucifer burst out into muffled giggles on the other side of Kevin.

"Hey, when are we getting out of here?" Dean called out to the guards in a whiny tone. "I'm bored!"

The guards didn't answer.

"Can we at least play Scrabble?" Balthazar rolled his eyes. "It's fuckin' boring just sitting in a circle and not being able to take the absolute piss because you guys are here."

"Fine." One of the guards said gruffly.

Dean and Balthazar cheered, scrambling up and sprinting for the storage cupboard in the corner of the cafeteria. They flung the doors open in glee, dragging out a Scrabble game, and slid it along the floor to the group, who unpacked it and sat around it in a circle.

"Okay, let's get into teams!" Balthazar grinned, and Dean winked at Cas, collapsing onto his knees beside his boyfriend.

"Can I go to the bathroom real quick?" Sam put his hand up like he was in class. A guard sighed and rolled his eyes, gesturing for Sam to leave with his gun. Sam got up as Lucifer put down 'booty' on the board and was led out of the room.

"In here." The guy said, shoving Sam into the nearest bathroom. Sam raised an eyebrow as he followed him into the room.

"You gonna watch me pee?" He asked incredulously.

"N-no." The guy said quietly, his face going red from beneath the hood that was shadowing his face. Sam squinted as the guy stuttered and turned to face the opposite wall. He seemed vaguely familiar to Sam in an unnerving way. Something sinister twinged in the back of Sam's mind but he couldn't put his finger on what it was.

He quickly whipped his phone out and texted Charlie, glancing back to check on the guy that was staring awkwardly at the wall before him, shifting anxiously on his feet.

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