18: Kiss A Moose

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Hehe you all probs hate me for that ending ... 🙊😈

Patience is a virtue, kiddos 😉 You'll get whatcha want soon enough 😜

Sam's POV

Gabe was leaning in ... Sam couldn't move, he was frozen to the spot. Anticipation was rising in his chest ... Gabe's lips melded with his, and Sam could finally move as the smaller boy leaned all his weight against Sam. He melted onto his friend as his chest exploded with that feeling that was becoming quite familiar now. He wrapped his arms around Gabe as Gabe clutched onto Sam's upper arms, and lifted him up. Gabe wrapped his legs around Sam's hips as he kissed him again and again, hands drifting up and slipping into Sam's hair, Sam's hands drifting down and resting on Gabe's ass.

"Aw, crap!" A loud shout was heard beside them, and then a sudden, enormous splash. Both boys sprang apart, Gabe falling back into the pool. Sam looked at a younger boy who was gasping in the water, fully-clothed, and staring in dismay at numerous pages floating in the pool around him.

"Screw you guys! SCREW! YOU!" The boy screamed at a group of other young people sprinting away from the pool, laughing and high-fiving each other. He turned back to his pages and groaned as he lifted a dripping one out of the water. Half of the page broke away and fell into the pool, and the boy sighed and leaned back in the water, starfish-floating.

"You okay there?" Sam said hesitantly.

"Looks like you're in a bit of a pickle." Gabe sniggered, and Sam slapped him lightly on the head.

The boy shot upright, clutching the bar at the edge of the pool, before relaxing at the sight of them. "Yeah. I was just walking to my deckchair with my essay for college that's due tomorrow, and those absolute jerks decided to push me in." The boy wailed. "It's due tomorrow! I don't have time to write it all out again!"

Gabe shifted in the water next to Sam, and Sam tried to ignore the tingly spark that shot up his spine as his friend brushed his arm with his arm. He couldn't concentrate on this boy; his mind kept bringing the memory of what happened just a minute before back, he kept feeling, tasting Gabe's warm, sweet lips on his.

"What's your name, kiddo?" Gabe said, sounding extremely amused. Trust him to find this poor boy's situation funny, Sam thought bitterly, and trust him to act like what just happened didn't happen.

"Kevin ..." The boy said, gazing sadly at the pages around him. "And now I'll never get an A in -"

"Don't even say the letter 'A' to me." Gabe shuddered, and Sam nudged him. "Right, sorry. You say you're a college kid, yeah?"

"Yeah. It's totally horrible." Kevin shuddered this time.

"Have you used your study break yet?" Gabe inquired, a grin breaking across his face.

What the hell is he doing?

"What, the year you take off college for studying?" Kevin said in surprise. Gabe nodded. "No, actually ... why?"

"Well, d'you need a job? Why not become our personal assistant, huh?" Gabe raised an eyebrow at Kevin, who squealed.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Nah, I'm adulting you. This is what it's like to be a proper grown-up, living the life and travelling the world, not stuck in a lecture hall!" Gabe winked at Kevin.

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