~Chapter 19~

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"Rise and shine sleepyheads" I heard someone say shaking me. I slowly shifted and fell flat on my back on the hard wood floor.

"Owe" I said and looked up to see a laughing Demi and a confused half-asleep Wilmer.

"What do you want" I asked her coldly.

"Oh, umm" she tried to say but turned around and walked off to her room.

"That's wasn't very nice." Wilmer said looking down at me as I was still laying on the floor.

"I don't care. She deserved it" I said to him and pushed myself up off the floor and walked into the kitchen to see my mom making breakfast and dad sitting at the table with a newspaper in hand.

"Glad to see you awake. Will you go get your sisters for breakfast" my mom asked politely.

"Sure" I told her and went off to Maddie's room.

"Mads breakfast." I said knocking on the door. I then went to Demi's and repeated the same process then went back downstairs and sat next to Maddie.

Mom had the table set and food on everyone's plate. Demi soon joined sitting across from Maddie and Wilmer sitting across from me. Mom soon joined and sat down on the opposite end of dad. Dad said grace(blessings or prayers whatever you guys call it... I say grace or blessings 😝)

After grace everyone started eating while I just pushed the food around on my plate taking a bite of fruit every so often. After a while I got bored of just sitting at the table.

"I'm going to my room" I announced as I pushed my chair out and stood up grabbing my plate.

"No your not" Demi said glaring at me and then looked at my plate.

"Yes I am. Why do you care? It's not like your there when I want or need you." I snapped at her and slammed my plate down.

"Princesa you need to calm down." Wilmer said looking at me while he rested a hand on Demi's shoulder.

"Sorry" I said before I walked off to my room, showered and got dressed and ready for the day. I planned on finishing up Demi's present today so I locked my door so no one could come in without knocking.

"I pulled out the picture frame and grabbed the box of photos I've collected over the years as well as the ones I got from mom when I told her what I was doing.

I picked my favorite ones and placed them in the big frame. It one of those funky grams that has the scattered individual little frames all making a big one. It was black and I took white paint and decorated it with sayings and song lyrics. Then in the middle was a larger frame and in it was a picture of Demi, Dallas, Maddie Marissa and I from one of Demi's shows back in 2010 and we were all making a silly face. Well they were I had teddy shoved in front of my face slightly the only thing you can see of my face was the dimple
in my left cheek.

"Riley, you okay in there" I heard Demi say as she knocked on my bedroom door.

"Yeah! Umm I will be out in a minute. Umm can you get Wilmer for me?" I asked her. Over the past few days Wilmer and I have been getting closer. He's actually not a bad guy. He really cares about Demi too which is a plus.

"Umm yeah sure" she replied and walked off.

"Princesa" Wilmer said with a knock.

"Hold on" I said closing the paint and got up and unlocked the door opening for Wilmer to come in. I then shit and locked the door again.

"So what did you need?" He asked.

"I wanted your opinion, do you think Demi will like this?" I said holding the frame up that is filled with pictures.

"I think she will love it" he said.

"Yay, that's all." I said putting it in a bag and pushed it under my bed until tomorrow." We are celebrating Demi's birthday early since she will be gone and Maddie and I have school that day.

"Alright let's go Wilmer said holding my bedroom door open.

"Why thank you Fez" I said giggling.

"Haha so funny" he said laughing at me.

"Hey you call me princesa so I'm calling you Fez. Besides that's what I first watched you on That '70s Show growing up so that's what I shall call you" I told him. (This is true that's what I watched Wilmer on first when growing up. It was a nightly routine to watch it. Lol)

"Hey" I said plopping down next to Demi. She didn't answer me and just continued to look at the tv screen.

"Really Dem's? If this is about breakfast then I'm sorry" I told her.

"No it's not" she said then got up and left.

"What did I do" I mumbled.

The day slowly went on with everyone worrying about Demi's sudden change in her mood. It was now dinner time we were all sat around the table. Mom made chicken and vegetables. It smelled really good. Dad said blessings as we all dug in. Well everyone but Demi. I finished my dinner and placed my plate in the dishwasher and walked back over to Demi.

"Eat" I whispered in her ear before walking off into the living room. Maddie soon joined me.

"Is she eating?" I asked her.

"She took a few bites but that's it." Maddie replied.

"Dem's, I know you're mad at me for whatever reason but eat please! You can't do this. Alright. I love you." I told her and kissed the top of her head. She just nodded and finished off her plate of food.

"Can we watch a movie" Maddie asked.

"Yeah, anything but the notebook. Let Demi pick!" I said she sighed but agreed.

Demi ended up picking some crime related movie I didn't pay much attention to it. I'm more interested in why Demi's mad at me. I don't remember doing anything to make her mad which makes it hurt even more because she has no reason to be mad at me.


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