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Confidently walking towards the front of the room and beside the teacher's podium, she began to introduce herself to her new class, "Hello, my name is Park Ji Hyun. Nice to meet you." She smiled brightly.

After introducing herself, the students began to whisper to their friends beside them. Some words were flattering but some were just plain mean. Most of the girls thought that Ji Hyun was a threat right off the bat.

"Dudes, this chick is so cute!"
"Hey, I've seen her before."
"Isn't she the daughter of Park Cooperation? Those guys are crazy rich!"
"Yah, look at this girl. She think she's all that because she has millions and already has half of the guys in class fawning over her."
"I know right! I bet she's too busy being rich that she doesn't even have time to study at all. She could be a total dumbass."

Ji Hyun mentally shook her head, shaking all the mean words that are spreading, faster than a wildfire. "Take the empty seat beside Jungkook over there." The teacher instructed as she pointed at an empty seat between the window and a male student with dark, jet black hair.

I feel like I've met this person before. Ji Hyun suspiciously thought as she passed by him. Setting her books down on the top her desk, she placed her school essentials in the desk. She sat at the very back of the room so she couldn't help but sit up straighter and extend her neck because of the multiple heads blocking the black board where the teacher swiftly writes notes.
Ji Hyun let out an inaudible sigh in defeat as she goes back to her normal position while she gazes down on her wordless paper. This is what I get for being short. She complained to herself.

Unexpectedly, she felt a light tap on her shoulder. She turned her head to see Jungkook take his paper and place it on her desk. With an expressionless face, he whispered quietly, "Here... I finished taking the notes... just give it back when you're done."
Accepting his offer, Ji Hyun smiled at the boy, "Thank you," she said as the boy slowly looked away from her to listen to the teacher up front. He's nicer than he looks. She thought.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Smiling, Jungkook's friend Hoseok nudged his shoulder as they held their trays of food to where they normally sit in the cafeteria, "Kookie-ah, who's the new girl over there? I heard she's in the same class as you." he questioned curiously, as he gazed his eyes towards the girl sitting alone in one of the tables far away from them, by the wide open window.
Jungkook swallowed his food before answering his older hyung, "Her name's Park Ji Hyun... daughter of Park Cooperation." He explained soullessly as he continued with his food, not giving his classmate a single glance.
"Why do you speak so coldly of her?" his other friend, Namjoon, asked his younger friend, raising an eyebrow at him.
The boy finally gave Ji Hyun a second glace as he immediately turned his head. Lowering his chopsticks, he decided to tell his hyungs, "I have a weird feeling about her," he said in a low tone, almost inaudible to his other members, "I haven't seen her once in my life yet... I feel so nostalgic whenever I'm around her."
Jungkook's other friend Jimin began to grin widely as he playfully puts his arm around Jungkook's shoulder, "Hey," he began, stretching and over pronouncing the simple word, "Could it be that this Ji Hyun girl is our Jungkook's long lost girlfriend?" he asked teasingly.
The youngest rolled his eyes, standing up from his seat while he tightly grips his lunch tray that is now filled with empty little plates and bowls. Coldly storming off, he turned his head, "She's not close to being the girl that holds the locket... don't even joke about something so important to me..."

Jungkook left Jimin feeling guilty when he didn't know his words would scratch Jungkook's heart even by a little bit.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Ji Hyun sighs as she eats her lunch alone. They think I'm a rich spoiled brat. She thought bitterly as she looks over her notes that she has taken in the past class. Then they'll think I'm a total smartass when they see my grades... There's no ending to this, isn't there?
Hearing the bell, Ji Hyun quickly grabbed all her notes, neatly stacking them together as she heads to her next class. Math. She repeated in her thoughts. Not one of her favorite subjects. "What's the point of this, we have calculators." Ji Hyun quoted one of her classmates in America.
Reaching her destination, she quickly sat down beside a boy who seemed older than her - about fifteen years old - who is somewhat chubby but in a cute way. None of the people in my last class are in here, am I even in the right room? She thought to herself, looking around the room.

The boy beside Ji Hyun glared at her, giving her a suspicious look. "Hey you, new kid," he began, "Why are you here? This class is only for students who are advanced in math."
Ji Hyun glanced at him for a second then hastily looks over to the purple sheet of paper, given by the principal, which has all of her schedules typed in it. "It says right here," she pointed, "I'm in the right class."
The boy seemed bewildered, "That's impossible," he said in disbelief, snatching the sheet of paper away from Ji Hyun's hands, "You're two years younger than me, how is that even possible? None of the people in your class are even in here." The dark-haired boy paused for a second, "Well maybe except for Jungkook." He said, pointing at the boy, quietly sitting at the front.
"Good morning students," the teacher smiled as he came in the classroom, standing behind the podium up front, "Some of you might already know but we have a new student today. Ji Hyun, mind coming up the class?" he kindly asked.
She nodded her head at him, obeying his orders. As she stepped up front, she introduced herself once more, "I'm Park Ji Hyun, and it's nice to meet you all." She said, plastering a fake smile on her face.
"Now Ji Hyun," the teacher began, "Like we do to all of the new students who come to this advanced math class, you need to answer this question." He smirked, grabbing the chalk, writing a formula that filled almost half of the dusty black board.

"No one has solved this question before..."
"I bet she can't either, she doesn't look that smart to me."
"I wonder why the teacher gave her the hardest question on the first day."
"Maybe he just wants to mess around with her."

These guys just don't know when to shut up, don't they? Do they even know how to properly whisper? Ji Hyun thought as she took the chalk from the teacher. Within less than thirty seconds, Ji Hyun managed to answer the question without trouble at all. The classroom became quiet, bewildered by how she could easily answer a question that even the students in this class hasn't gotten right before.

"T-that's amazing!" the teacher praised, "No one has ever solved this on their first day. How did you figure this problem so easily?"
"My tutor taught me this three years ago," She began, "The formula is not that hard."
The teacher blinked, "Well, impressive work Ji Hyun and it's just your first day," He complimented, "You may go back to your seat."

Taking her seat, she let out a silent sigh as the teacher started class as usual. The boy beside her, in a not so much mocking tone, spoke with her once more, "Nice job smartass," he swore, giving out a little smirk, "Looks like you do belong in this class."

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