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Opening the door, Minseo let you in their house. As you entered, you bowed while she smiled at your presence in her household for the first time. You held onto your books tightly, there was only one reason why you're here.

"Jungkook's upstairs in that room over there," she directed, pointing at the door that's slightly opened.
You bowed once more before proceeding, "Thank you," You said kindly as you left the mother, smiling.

Walking upstairs, you were slightly nervous to go in, but why? You knocked on the door, slowly opening it, and peeking in head first.

"Come in," he said, sounding very cold.

Jungkook, you're not the only one who's not enjoying this but it beats staying home and study the whole time. You thought.

You slowly walked in his room. Looking around, you noticed that his room is painted with three different colors: black, read, and white. Interesting combination.
He was sitting on his desks with piles of books stacked on top of it. You thought that his room would be messy since he is a guy but turns out you were incorrect.

"I thought you didn't want to tutor me," he grinned, turning his wheeled chair so that he would face you.
Dropping your books on his desks, you wanted to answer him coldly, "Well it's either this or stay at home and listen to my parents go on and on about how much money they have in the bank," you then let out a sigh, "I could be teaching Taeyeon right now."
"Kim Taeyeon?" he suddenly questioned.
"Yeah, you know her?" you quizzed.
Staring at his books, he replied, "V's little sister..." his tone was low but you were still able to hear him.
Confused, you thought that he was talking about a different person since the Taeyeon that you know doesn't have an older brother named V, "You must be mistaken-"
"Also known as Kim Taehyung," he quickly added, cutting you off from your sentence.
"Oh..." you paused, realizing that you didn't let him finish his own sentence. "Sorry," you apologized, then laughed awkwardly.

Taking a seat beside Jungkook, you opened your books in front of him then went straight to studying. You began to give him a little lecture about what you learned in school today. Without even realizing it, minutes later, he fell asleep.
You let out a sigh.

This might be a little harder than I thought. No wonder why his grades are dropping.

With his hand on his chin for support, you couldn't help but stare at him for a moment, admiring his features. Suddenly, you backed farther away from him. Why? You wondered.
You took out a marker - permanent marker - and attempted to draw on his face. As the marker was less than a centimeter away from his cheek, his eyes suddenly shot wide.

"Don't even think about it," shocked, you froze in place. The boy rubbed his eyes with his hands and let out a little yawn, "Are you really this boring?"
"Are you really this impossible?" you retorted, sticking your tongue out at him.

Before you knew it, Jungkook reached his hand out and grabbed your tongue. Not being able to speak, you tried to retrieve your tongue from his grasp but the more you struggled, the more he pinched it.

Grinning devilishly, he spoke, "Don't think about doing something cute like that again, got it?"
You nodded your head, "Yes..." you replied obediently. He final lets go of your tongue which now has the taste of... chocolate?

"Jungkook! Your friends are here!"
Looking at Jungkook, his expression was filled with shock. He got up from his chair, grabbing your hand, "Quick, hide!" he demanded.
He looked from left to right, looking for a place to keep you hidden. Confused, you didn't know why he wanted to hide you anyways. "Jungkook, what's going on-"
"Hide here," He demanded. Cutting you off your sentence as he pushed you in his closet, "Don't say anything."

What the hell?! Why is he shoving me in his closet when his friends are here? Does he not want to introduce me to them? How rude! Wait a minute, I don't want to meet them anyways... I should just leave it.

Coming in the room, V came up to Jungkook, "Kookie! Let's hang out!"
Jungkook scratched the back of his head, "I-I can't right now," he replied, stuttering his words.
"Dude, you're ungrounded now," J-Hope reminded, putting his arm around his friend. "Don't tell me you got grounded again," he sighed.

Listening to their conversation, you felt like you're eavesdropping on them again. But this time, you're in Jungkook's closet which is very uncomfortable.

What am I sitting on? Shoes? Why the heck would he buy shoes with spikes on it?!

Getting up from his belongings, you tried to move without making any noise but clumsy you, you accidentally knocked off some of his clothes off the hamper with your head.

Jin shifted his body so that he would face the closet, "Does our little Kookie have rats in his closet?" he joked.
Suga took a whiff of the scent in the room. As weird as that sounds, that's just how he is, "I smell a girl."
Jimin curved his mouth into an O shape after hearing the word 'girl' from Suga. "A girl? Jungkook-ah, are hiding a girl in there?" he questioned, heading towards the closet.
Faster than the speed of light, Jungkook rushed towards the closet, blocking the door with his arms spread out, "No rats and no girl! Now go away!" he yelled.
V raised an eyebrow while he caressed his chin as if he had a beard, "Does anyone think that Jungkook is hiding something in that closet of his? You're acting really suspicious right now," he smirked.
Strutting towards Jungkook, Namjoon pushed him aside, "Move," he said demandingly.

As he opened the door, everyone's eyes were all on you. A random girl who's sitting on Jungkook's shoes with piles of shirts on top of your head.

"H-hi," you waved shyly.
V came in closer, examining who you were, "Ji Hyun?"

Standing up, you walked out of the closet. Everyone was shocked to see a girl come out of Jungkook's closet.

Namjoon crossed his arms over his chest, "Would you look at that, Jungkook's dating the smartest and richest kid in school," He smirked.
"DATING?!" you said in unison with Jungkook.
Waving your hands, you didn't want them to get the wrong idea, "We're not dating, I was just here tutoring him."
"Tutor? You're tutoring him?" Jimin said, his tone filled with confusion.

Your welcome for the triple update 😘

Saw You Again (Jungkook Fanfic) (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon