Come Out

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That night, for the first time, the conversation that you had with your parents interested you. As you silently sat down on the dinner table, eating your steak, your mother and father made a little announcement which they said that you're involved with.

After swallowing her food, she put down her chopsticks and looked at you, "Do you remember your friend who you met in the US a few years ago?" she questioned.
Automatically, the moment when she mentioned the word 'friend', your attention was on her but you still acted like you didn't care. "Bae Suzy? Yeah, I still remember her."
Your mother continued to eat her dinner while your father finished the sentence instead, "Well, your friend Suzy is moving back to Korea."
As soon as you heard she was moving back, you couldn't help but clench your hands into a fist from excitement and smiled, "When is she moving back?"
"Next week," your mother retorted with her mouth almost filled with rice yet she's the one who always scolds you for not having table manners. "And one more thing," she paused to get a drink of water, "A close friend of ours are moving next door, they'll be having dinner with us tomorrow."
"Be on your best behavior, okay?" your dad demanded.
Rolling your eyes, you replied, "Yeah, sure."
Suddenly, your mother immediately looked at your father, "Doesn't Minseo have a son the same age as Ji Hyun? Oh, I forgot what his name was," She frowned.
"She does but I heard that he's a trouble maker. They said that he's usually hanging out with his friends," your dad turned to you, "I don't want you near that boy, got it?"
"Minseo must not be raising her child correctly," your mother said as she took a bite of her food, "Maybe that's why we're richer than them," she giggled.
It was said, the sentence that you hated the most. Not finishing your dinner, you stood up from your chair, "Thanks for the food," you said coldly then went straight to your room, making sure you lock the door this time so that no one could barge in.

You went to the window again, looking out into the dark streets. For some reason, you actually hoped that those boys would be there again - and they were. There was still the same amount of people and you could see Taeyeon's older brother, Taehyung.
This time, you didn't reveal yourself. You stayed at the side so that you could still hear and see them, but they couldn't see you.

"V, what are we doing here again?" a muscled boy with jet black hair questioned Taehyung.
Coming out of the darkness, you can see Taehyung right out your window. "Park Ji Hyun, come out! I know you're there."

You were shocked to hear that he actually called you out. What does the boy want anyways?

Joining the conversation, a tall man with broad shoulders and red hair, questioned Taehyung, "Park Ji Hyun? Isn't she that rich smartass whose grades are better than everyone's? How do you know where she lives?"

His sentence made your heart throb a little. He didn't have to be so rude with his words. Just because you're smarter and richer than anyone, doesn't mean he has to judge you like that!

Taehyung lets out a little laugh, "Taeyeon takes music lessons, right? Park Ji Hyun is the one that teaches her." He explained.
Another boy - but this time with brown, fluffy hair with a bandana wrapped around his head like a headband - joined in the conversation, scolding his other friend for speaking so rudely, "Jin hyung, you shouldn't talk about her like that. I've seen her around school and it doesn't seem like she's one of those rich spoiled brats you see in movies."
Finally, you decided to come out of hiding. Maybe they'll end up being my first guy friends, you thought sarcastically. "You know, not everything you see in movies are true," you stated, crossing your arms.
Taehyung let out a little smirk as soon as he saw your face come out, pointing his index finger at you and smiled "I knew you were there."
Bewildered, one of his friends - this one has a mask covering his mouth - came to where the others were standing to see your face, "Holy shit there's actually a chick up there! Was she eavesdropping on us?"
The guy with white hair crossed his arms over his chest, "Seems like it. Wait, isn't she in the same class as Jungkook?" he suddenly questioned.
You let out a sigh because of their rude behavior, so you wanted to get right to the point, "What do you want?"
"Come out." Taehyung demanded.
"Excuse me?" you retorted, hoping you heard wrong.
Taehyung's mouth curved into a devilish grin, "You heard me," he said pointing his finger at you once again, "Come out," He repeated.

Totally at a bad timing, you heard a knock on your door. You quickly turned to the boys down below.

"Not to be mean or anything but can you get lost for now? I'm a bit busy." You said as you pulled the curtains. Almost in panic mode, you finally opened the door revealing your dad - he didn't looked pleased at all.
He held out a test paper - which came from your backpack - and pointed at the score on the side. Almost yelling, he began to scold you, "What is this?!"
"My test paper," you replied bluntly.
Angrily, he smacked your head with his own cold hands and raised his voice, "I know that but why your score like this, huh?"
This is totally ridiculous! You got a 99% and yet he still scolds you for one single freaking mistake! You took a little deep breath and exhaled out the stress, "Dad, it's just one mistake," you tried explaining.
"Until you get a perfect score on your next test, you won't be able to teach Taeyeon music lessons for now." He said coldly.
Your eyes widened, "BUT DAD!" you yelled as he exited your room.

Furiously, you slammed your door shut and collapsed yourself onto your bed.

Almost in tears, you tried breathing in and out to halt your cries. "Go die."
Authors Note: intense? lol *smirk*

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