Graduation Jealousy

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"I'm so proud of you Ji Hyun," Chanmi smiled, giving you a tight hug. "I bet you look beautiful in that graduation gown you're wearing."
You hugged her back, "I wish you could see me..."
"Hey, how about I take a picture, for memories." Taehyung pulled out his phone from his pocket. "One... two... three..." his phone made the snapping sound followed by another.
"What? You guys took pictured without inviting us?" Jin said as he walked towards the three of you with a grin.
Jimin shook his head, "This is unacceptable."
"Why don't we all take a picture together with the graduating couple?" Hoseok said as he set up his camera on a tripod from an acceptable distance.

Everyone positioned themselves with both you and Jungkook standing front and center. You took a glance at him, he was so handsome that moment while wearing his black grad gown. It's almost unbelievable that you've been with him for almost three years now and there's still more years to come. All thanks to him, you've lived a happy life.

"Okay guys, positions!" Hoseok yelled as he ran to his place in the picture.

The camera made audible snaps then it stopped. Hoseok ran back with a smile on his face, absolutely excited to see the picture.

"Hoseok-ah, why don't you get someone to take the picture?" Yoongi yelled and everyone giggled.
He grunted, "Fine." Hoseok turned around and asked the first person he saw.

From your view, the man looked familiar. He seemed like he was not from Korea, which is probably why Hoseok seemed so hesitant to ask him. You weren't able to hear the conversation but it was obvious that the man gladly accepted his request after taking the camera. Hoseok ran back to his position.

"Okay, ready? One... two... three..." snap then another one after that.
The man took a glance at the picture as it popped up on the screen. He smiled, "Do you guys want one more?" he asked.
"Yeah!" Namjoon yelled.
"Guys, we should do a wacky one," Taehyung suggested and everyone agreed. Everyone looked like idiots.
The photographer snapped another picture. He looked at it once more and the questioning expression on his face made everyone a bit curious. "Ji Hyun?"
Hoseok took the camera from him, "How did you know her?"
The man completely ignores Hoseok and ran towards you, holding you by the shoulders. "Park Ji Hyun, right?"
Your eyes widened at the sudden physical contact. Luckily, Jungkook took his hands off you, he was displeased. "What do you think you're doing?"
He suddenly let out a laugh. "I'm sorry, I should probably introduce myself first. I'm Lee Mingyu, I used to be classmates with Ji Hyun before she moved back to Korea."
Now you remember. He was the second friend you've made after you moved. He was the nice guy and he was always looking out for you like an older brother. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm just visiting and I heard that it was also your graduation so I made an effort to come by," he smiled.
"I can't believe you still remember me."
He pinched your cheeks, "How can I forget someone so cute like you?" he laughed.
Jungkook was glaring at him the whole time. He was furious, he didn't like anyone being close to you like that unless it's himself. He wrapped an arm around your shoulder, "Should we go in?" he said with a forced smile and the two of you entered the school.

The Next Day
"So where are we going again?" Jimin asked as he buckled himself in Taehyung's car.
"We're going to the hospital, I'm making a donation," he answered.
His friend seemed so confused. "Donation? What are you donating, blood or something?"
Taehyung shook his head as he started the gas, "I'm donating my eyes to Chanmi just in case if anything happens to me."
"What the hell?" Jimin said in English with a high pitched voice. "You sound like you're planning your death."
"It's not that I am, I just want her to be able to see. I'm scared that no one will make the donation when the time comes."
"The things married couples do..."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"I don't like that guy."
"That Mingyu guy, I don't like him."
"Why not?"
He didn't want to tell her the truth, it was too embarrassing to admit that he was jealous of him. "I just do, okay?"
A spark lit up in your thoughts, it was too obvious. "Are you jealous?" you teased.
Jungkook's face suddenly glowed a bright red, it was cute to see him like that. "I-I'm not jealous!"
You grinned, "Okay then, I guess you're fine with me hanging out with him at the mall then."

Mingyu was like the older brother you've never had. How can Jungkook be jealous of him? But you have to admit, he's cute when he blushes.

"N-no, of course not," he stuttered.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"Jungkook-ah, is this really necessary?" Hoseok sighed, taking a sip from his chocolate bubble tea.
His friend nodded. "Yes, this is completely necessary."
"Don't you trust Ji Hyun? I'm pretty sure a girl like her won't cheat on you."
Jungkook bit his lip as he walked a few feet behind you, hiding from time to time just in case if you ended up seeing him. "I trust Ji Hyun. It's that Mingyu guy who I don't trust," he growled.
"Aren't they just friends though?"
He shook his head, "I can tell he likes her."
Hoseok almost choked on his drink. How did he not see this sooner? "Kookie-ah, I didn't know you were the jealous type."
The younger boy sighed, "I'm not jealous."
Rolling his eyes, Hoseok let out a little scoff then took a long sip of his drink while giving Jungkook a judging look. "Sure you're not."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"You know, I've never seen you so happy like this before," Mingyu smiled.
He's right, you've actually never been so happy. You have a good life now with no parents to push you, a caring boyfriend, lots of friends and you just graduated. "Yeah, a lot of good things happened recently."
He let out a little laugh, placing his arm around your shoulder. You looked at him, about to say something until he beat you to it. "So, how come you stayed in Korea and your parents are back in America?" he asked.
"H-how did you know that?"
"My parents told me after they had a met your parents at a dinner party for the company."
"So either you finally stood up or they made you stay," he said.
You let out a little hum, thinking of how Jungkook practically helped you out most of the time and other people too. "I had some help from great people," you smiled.

Hanging out with Mingyu was less awkward than you expected. He was still the same guy you've met in America, nice and funny. You expected less because of the large amount of years the two of you have been apart, the fact that he even remembered you was shocking.
The two of you hung out in the mall most of the day, looking around, you giving him tours and all that. There was an uncomfortable feeling that you were having, a feeling that someone was watching you. Shaking the feeling off didn't work, even until now you still feel like you're being watched by someone.

It was already getting dark and it was time for you to go home. "I had a great time catching up with you," Mingyu said with a smile as he pinched your cheek.
You removed his hand, "I did too."
"Hey, I've always wanted to ask this since yesterday. Do you perhaps already have a boyfriend?"
You nodded your head, "Yeah, its Jungkook, the guy I graduated with from yesterday."
"That guy?" he scoffed, "You're kidding right?"
"I'm not kidding," you said as a matter of fact. Why is that hard to believe? Wasn't it obvious from yesterday?
"I'm sorry, it's just that I thought you'd do better than him."
"Oh yeah?" you were starting to get angry. It's just so rude to say something like that to your face.
His hand reached out towards your shoulder but before his hand could even touch you, someone grabbed him. "Don't touch her."
You suddenly felt better the moment you saw Jungkook. "Wait, how did - were you following us?"
Jungkook ignored you and abruptly threw Mingyu's hand back. "I knew there was something up with you. If I see you near Ji Hyun again, I'll mess you up. She's mine and only mine, got it?"
~ Author's Note ~

Long chapter with so many parts just skipping around xD sorry for that lol

Saw You Again (Jungkook Fanfic) (COMPLETED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن