Its Her

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Daehyun..." you said in a low voice, still tied to the chair. Your head ached badly and all you remembered was being in this room while the others said something about a video chat. You were alone in the room with Daehyun, sitting quietly beside the door.
When he lifted his head up, his eyes were slowly opening, "What?" he asked, irritated and his voice with no emotion.
You gulped, afraid that he might do something to you for asking a simple question. But it doesn't hurt to ask, right? "When you guys kidnapped me, Kai said that he wouldn't hurt me but he wanted to hurt Jungkook." You noticed him nodding his head. "Why?"
He smirked, "He wants revenge... he wants to kill him."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

There stood eight people in Suzy's living room, worried and afraid. The room was silent and no one said a thing ever since the call. But in that silence, Jungkook thought hard of what he wanted to do, what he has to do.

"I'm going," he said.
The others were wide eyed but not that surprised about Jungkook's decision, "Kookie, what if something bad happens to you?" Jin bit his lip.
"I don't care about that!" he yelled back at the oldest member with slight rage.
Suga walked towards Jungkook, placing a hand on his shoulder, "I know this might be a bad time to talk about this but why the sudden need to be with Ji Hyun? Ever since she tutored you all you did was complain about her."
The younger boy lowered his head and clenched his fists, "Because she has the necklace," he answered, almost inaudible for anyone to hear.

Everyone was shocked. No one knew that you had the necklace except for Suzy but Jungkook somehow figured it out. The girl that Jungkook searched for ten years finally came up and it turns out to be you who is in need of help to escape from five men who held you captive.

"How did you know?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow as he walked towards his friend.
Jungkook tightly gripped his necklace, "She was wearing it."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Your eyes widened, "Y-you're letting me go?" you stutteringly asked in confusion as Kai untied the rope around your hands while Daehyun untied your legs.
"Kind of," he answered, "You're still going to be held captive in this place, and just to let you know, there's no way of you escaping," he evilly grinned.
With your head staring down onto the floor, you clenched your fists, "Are you going to kill him?" you questioned, hoping that his answer would be a 'no'.
Kai placed his hand on your shoulder and moved his lips closer to your ear, "After what he did, of course I am," he smirked then backed away.
You looked up at him, curious about what actually happened between them that made Kai go to this far and want him to die. You were afraid to ask but you wanted answers, "To what extent did Jungkook do that would make you want to kill him?"
"Listen," he demanded, grabbing your hair as he faces you, his expression filled with anger, "I know you're curious and all but keep asking me questions, you'll end up like your friend, got it?" he said then abruptly threw you to the floor by the hair.

Leaving the room, you noticed Daehyun standing in the corner silently, watching the whole scene. He came up to you, helping you up from the ground. You were a bit surprised to see that Daehyun helped you seeing how he looks very intimidating. You really couldn't tell anything because of his mask but you can tell by looking into his eyes.

"Surprised to see you not crying right now," he said after pulling you up from the floor.
You bowed your head, thanking him for being ironically nice, "Well I've been in worse situations," you said, "It takes more than just pulling me by the hair and throwing me to the ground to make me cry."
Daehyun giggled behind his mask making it sound muffled, "You're pretty strong for a girl," he complimented. Pointing at your necklace, he looked at you, "I'm guessing you're the girl the kid's been looking for?"
Your eyes widened in surprise, "How did you know?"
Though you weren't able to see it, you knew that Daehyun smiled at that moment, "Why don't we make a deal?" he smirked, "I'll reason with Kai so that he wouldn't end up actually killing your boyfriend but you'll have to do something for me in return."

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