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you want me to kill me that much. Do it."

Everyone's eyes widened in surprised. No one expected Jungkook to say such words, even Kai was bewildered when he was trying to give him the knife.
Before Kai could do anything, Jungkook threw the knife in front of his foe, the blade almost hitting his knee. Kai's insides raged, he was pissed at how Jungkook looked down on him, how he made him feel small.
His hands darted to pick up the knife from the ground, getting up on his feet and placed the blade on Jungkook neck, holding his collar tight.

"Killing him won't do any good." Wonwoo suddenly interrupted, talking sense into Kai's head. "It won't bring the dead back to life."

With Wonwoo's words, Kai stood silent. He didn't make a single move. Jungkook was still in his grasp, his knife lightly touching the flesh of his neck. He gripped the knife tighter, not knowing what his next move should be.
The sudden thought of his mother's death, her body lying on the cold ground with her body spilling a pool of blood, the image was totally horrifying. He felt rage when he saw the little boy across the street, the one who caused all of this, the one who made him feel hatred for years.

He scoffed. "Wouldn't do any good, huh?"

Averting the knife from Jungkook's neck, Kai dropped it and sighs of relief were suddenly heard from the background. Though he let go of the knife, Kai didn't loosen his grip on Jungkook's collar, he held it even tighter.
He lifted his arm and punched Jungkook right in the face making him drop to the ground from the sudden action. Jungkook winced in pain as he gently placed a finger on his lip to find it bleeding.

Kai turned to Wonwoo after watching his opponent on the ground, "I hate it how you can easily change my mind."

Baekhyun and Hyuk were bewildered, they've known Kai for years and they knew that Kai is not the type of person to change his mind. They were surprised to see how easily he gave in when he's been wanting to kill Jungkook for years.
Wonwoo and Daehyun released their grasps of their friends, helping them up. The two only hope that after what they did, betraying them, would easily be forgotten after a simple and sincere apology - hopefully no more violence. Hopefully.

"I'm still not letting this slide." Kai said stubbornly afterwards.
Jungkook grinned as he stood up from the ground, "I don't care." He said bluntly which made everyone turn to him. He stepped forward towards Kai with a slightly pissed expression, "But dare to touch or even make eye contact with Ji Hyun, I will snap your neck like a toothpick." He threatened.
He couldn't help but laugh at the younger boy. "Don't worry, you won't be seeing me for a while." Kai muttered as he passed by Jungkook.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"The boredom of watching something happen from afar." J-Hope complained while he stared down at the commotion at the bottom from the rooftop of Kai's hideout.
Suzy smiled at him and giggled, "At least Kai's plan didn't go through and no one died."
"Too bad, I wanted some action!" Namjoon grinned, throwing fists in front of him, pretending to fight someone. Suzy immediately snapped her head at Namjoon, giving him a disapproving glare that made him gulp. "O-or not..." he stuttered.
"Ji Hyun's been gone for like a week, how come her parents never looked for her?" Jin asked Suzy, leaning his head over the railing to watch you being carried by Jimin.
Suzy could only sigh. She was the only one who knew why you're parents are so ignorant about your whereabouts. "The same thing happened a long time ago, Ji Hyun came over to my house after having a loud argument between her parents. She stayed at my place for more than two weeks and her parents didn't even call her once."
Suga frowned, "That's horrible."
The girl nodded her head and looked down at you, still unconscious. "She was planning on moving to an apartment in three months," Suzy pouted, "I was going to move out with her."

The four men stood silent after hearing your plans with Suzy. No one knew about it expect for the two of you. Suzy's just hoping that the plan will still be continuing knowing how your parents are, she wanted you to be in a safer environment.

"How come Ji Hyun's still unconscious?" J-Hope quizzed. "Shouldn't she be awake by now?"
Namjoon pointed at Kai, "That sneaky little dude made Ji Hyun inhale something, she'll be fine but she's going to be out for a while."
"Hey, we should probably be going back down now." Jin commanded, opening the door that revealed flights of stairs going down.
Suga sighed and rolled his eyes, "This is such a hassle, and I'm too tired to walk all the way down."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"Jungkook, are you sure? I can't take her to my place." Suzy said worriedly, watching Jungkook carry you in his arms, bridal style.
He smiled, "I told you its fine." He reassured. "My place is closer anyways."
"Well... okay then..." she blinked, "call me when she wakes up, okay?"

Saw You Again (Jungkook Fanfic) (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz