Hard Life

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This totally bites! Why can't they just be like one of those parents on TV who don't give a shit about what their kids do in their life? You thought as you excited reality for a moment, mentally replying bitterly to every single word your parents say.

In the living room, you stayed seated on the white leather couch as your parents stood in front of you, yelling into your ears, trying to discipline you after finding out the results of your recent test scores.
Conversations like this bore you but are still somehow able to leave a little dent on your fragile heart. Your parents want you to be perfect. No mistakes, beautiful, talented, that kind of perfect is what they want their daughter to be. Park Ji Hyun, heiress of Park Cooperation.

"What do you think my co-workers would say after they find out that you didn't get a perfect score on your test?" your father screamed at you as he paces back and forth while rubbing his sweaty temples.
Your mother bobbed her head, collaborating with your father in the argument, "I bet your schoolmates are also surprised at your scores." She said firmly, crossing her arms. "What do you think they'll start to call you now instead of 'Princess Perfect' who always gets good grades?"

Smartass. That's what the student in school enjoy calling you. You were always the one who tops all the charts when it comes to something logical like tests and anything that involves your brain thinking. Though somehow, you didn't seem to mind being called like that in a mocking way, you just let them do what they want to please their selves.

Furiously, your dad stormed out of the room and went upstairs, leaving your mother all alone with you. You can tell that her eyes are filled with disgust and disappointment at the moment. She let out a low sigh, "Yah, how do you expect to have a good future when you're grades are like this?" she raised her voice at you which stung your ears.

Motionlessly, all you did was blink and breathe as you stared right into her dark eyes. You couldn't say anything back to her. You're too scared that she might scold you even more because you talked back to her.

Why did I have to be born with abusive, life sucking, close-minded parents? You thought, beginning to ignore your mother's loud lecture.

Seconds after rambling on and on about how you should improve your grades and all that, she finally finished, ending it with very hurtful sentence that throbbed your heart. Words that make you think if she's actually your mother. "Listen, you're our only daughter. You need to be successful just like your father and I. So get your acts straight or I'll postpone your music lessons."

That was all she cared about, being successful and rich in life. Nothing else seemed to be important to her, not even your interests. There is more that you want to do instead of just staying in your room, studying until your brain is fried from filling it with so much knowledge and crap that your won't even need.

You waited until your mother left cold atmosphere of the living room and into her own bedroom. Thoughtlessly, you began to twiddle your fingers as your mind went somewhere else and your gaze was towards the white walls of the room.
Gaining back your senses, you stood up from the chair and headed to your chamber - your room. As you walked along the large corridor, you heard sudden laughter ringing in your ears. I bet I'm just hearing stuff. You thought, shaking the imaginary voices out of your mind.
Entering your room, you immediately went over to the window, sitting on the ledge as you cranked the handle to open the squeaky glass window. You took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air while a single tear began to roll down your face. Why do I have to be so weak?

You looked down on the streets, seeing six boys, laughing and goofing around. The chuckling sounded familiar to you, like you've heard it before. So that's why I heard laughing before.

They must be those boys that every girl in the school - excluding you - go crazy about. All they do is fawn over them like a bunch of celebrities. Apparently they're the 'Kingkas' of the school. You never really understood the term Kingka since it's just a word that they have made up.

"Too bad Jungkook couldn't hang out." A man with white-ish hair sighed as he leaned against a post, crossing his arms together while the other boys nodded their head in agreement.
Another boy with washed out orange hair, stepped in. "You can't blame him, he's a smart boy but I guess his head was in the clouds when he took the test." He explained.

Are they talking about the same test that I just had? Is this Jungkook character in the same class as I'm in? Leaning in closer to the window, you listened to their conversation, now taking interest. There could be a possibility, you don't really pay attention to the kids in school. That's why you barely have any friends, though everyone knows who you are because of your parents.

You let out a sigh, "It must be nice to have friends who support you and have fun with you all the time." Accidentally, you spoke out loud what you were thinking.

You immediately got away from the window, thinking that you were heard by the boys down below. That would have been a little embarrassing, they might get the wrong idea that you were eavesdropping on them - not like you weren't anyways.

One of the boys were good enough to hear you, loud and clear in his ears. You ended up sitting on the carpeted floor, covering your mouth with your cold hands from humiliation.

The boy who heard you came out from the darkness and into a position where he can see your window. "Hey! Show yourself." He demanded.

He didn't sound like he was a nice guy at all.

"V, who are you talking to?" his friend with a higher pitched voice questioned as he also stared at the window.
Ignoring his friend, once again he demanded you to come out of hiding. "Don't think I didn't hear you."

Not knowing what to do, you froze in place. You suddenly heard loud footsteps coming towards your room. Judging from the tapping of those high pumps, you instantly knew it was your mother.

Abruptly, your mother swung the door open and began to scream at your face once more as she walked towards you. "Yah! Park Ji Hyun, get to your studies!" she demanded, harshly slapping the side of your head.

Though she just slapped you for not studying, you did nothing to defend yourself. You let her abuse you, you can't do anything about it. As she left your room, leaving a loud slam from the door, you looked back out the window, hoping that the boys were gone and didn't hear your mother yelling at you. Luckily, they were. All that was left there was an empty, dark street.

You let out a silent sigh. "I guess I'm supposed to study now..." you murmured to yourself as you stood up from the comfy floor and sat down on the wheeled chair placed beside your desk. "Ten years already, huh..." you mumbled to yourself. "I wonder if he still remembers me... and the promise..." you pouted, staring at your silver rounded locket as it dangles around your neck.
Hey Guys! Lol this is my first fanfic. Sorry if it isn't that interesting to you!
I'm also very sorry if my grammar disturbs you in anyway! Also I was think on making another fanfic after this one is finished!

Jungkook Fanfic

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Jimin Fanfic

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V FanFic

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Thxs xoxo

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