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Hearing the news that something happened to Taehyung worried you so much. What could have happened that his own six friends couldn't help him?

"Wait, Ji Hyun-ah, how did you know where Taehyung lived?" Hoseok questioned after you turned the right way, being in front of your friends.
Still walking, you turned so that you'd face them, walking backwards. "I've been to his place many times before because of Taeyeon. I've never really met him before, he was usually either in his room or out with you guys - at least that's what Taeyeon told me," you explained then turned your body around again.
"Well, that makes sense." Suzy smiled.

Everyone halted after reaching Taehyung's house. His place was simple and had a really modern feel to it. The house looks normal but the moment you go inside, the whole place looks beautiful. Without even bothering to knock or ring the doorbell, Jungkook just went on and entered without hesitation.

"We're back!" Jungkook yelled loudly and as if on cue, Jimin came out from one of the rooms up the stairs.
Rushing, he ran over to the four of you with a worried look on his face. Hoseok saw his expression and became worried himself, "Is he okay?"
Jimin shook his head, "No... he's still the same since you've left."
"What exactly happened?" you questioned and Jimin beckoned you to follow him into a room. Taehyung's room to be exact.

Entering, you saw Yoongi with his face hidden behind his hands, Namjoon rubbing his temples and Jin sitting quietly beside Taehyung, waving his hands in front of his face trying to get his attention but the younger boy was in a complete daze.

Noticing your arrival, Jin sighed in relief as he stood up and faced you. "Thank goodness you're here! Taehyung hasn't moved an inch, he just keeps staring at the wall."
"What's wrong with him?" you questioned curiously, looking over Jin's broad shoulders to take a peek at Taehyung who hasn't moved.
A loud sigh was heard, it was Yoongi. He stood up and joined the conversation, "We don't know."
"He's been staring at the wall for about an hour now," Namjoon commented.
"Wait a minute," Suzy held up a finger, walking over to the boy who stared blankly. She looked into his head and followed his gaze. "He's not staring at the wall," she said as she walked over to the other side of the room. Other than the wall, there was one other object that stood there, a desk. Looking back at Taehyung again, her eyes lit up as if she found out something very important. "He's staring at this piece of paper."
Curious, you walked over to the paper that Suzy held and took it from her hands to see. The other boys gathered behind the two of you, all except Taehyung who still sat there. "It's a receipt. Why is he staring at a receipt?"
"Hey!" Jungkook suddenly yelled, making you jump a bit from the loud surprise. "That's the receipt from the store that we went to a few days ago. That day where we saved that girl Chanmi and her little brother."

The sound of his voice startled everyone and almost immediately, everyone turned to Taehyung who finally spoke after a long time of being in a daze. It all makes sense now. Both you and Suzy turned your heads to each other in unison, the two of you thought of the same thing at the same time. Being close with her, having the same thoughts and saying words at the same time was usually a normal thing that the two of you do.

Suzy pushed her way to the front, kneeling down to face Taehyung. "I think we know what's wrong with little blank Tae right here."
Everyone's faces were filled with confusion. You couldn't help but smile, "Taehyung oppa is sick. Love sick!"
"Love sick?!" the boys said aloud in sync.
"Ji Hyun unnie?" the familiar twinkling voice ringed in your ears. You turned towards the door, a little figure came into your vision, a little girl whom you haven't seen for quite some time now. "It is you!" she smiled brightly and ran to your direction, hugging you as if this was the first time that you two have met in years.
"Taeyeon, I've missed you," you smiled at her, "How are you? I haven't heard from you in a long time."
The little girl smiled back at you, "I'm doing great! I made a new friend that I met at the park, he's really nice. He told me he knew you guys," she pointed at everyone in the room, "After you saved him from drowning."
"Whoa, hold it right there mini Tae, are you saying that this friend of yours is Chan?" Jin asked, totally not believing what he's hearing right now.
Taeyeon nodded her head, still smiling. "Yup! Chan's older sister promised us ice cream tomorrow."
"Chanmi?" you asked, just to make sure that the answer is correct.
"Would you look at that," Namjoon said with a grin, placing a hand on Taehyung's shoulder who was now standing up behind everyone else. "Taehyung-ah, you got lucky
Taeyeon had a questioning look on her face. "Does Taehyung oppa like Chanmi unnie?" she asked and everyone turned their heads to her.
"No," Suzy began and everyone turned their gazes from Taeyeon to her. She smiled and walked over to Taehyung who stood at the end of the room, "I'm pretty sure your brother doesn't just like Chanmi."
The little girl's eyes widened. "Are you saying that oppa like likes Chanmi unnie?"
Yoongi grinned a gummy smile and placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Why don't we hear it from the man himself? Tell us, Taehyung, have you fallen for Chanmi whom we have talked to for only a few hours?"

Everyone stood silent, patiently waiting for Taehyung to answer the question. He hasn't said a word for a few minutes but after that, he finally gave us an answer. He nodded a yes and immediately everyone began to react by either patting him on the back or yelling at him, which you totally thought was unnecessary.

Looks like Taehyung's life is about to get interesting.

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