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Hyun, I've never thought you'd grow up to look so much like your mother..." your father smiled. It was so weird of him to say something like that you didn't know how to respond.
What are you supposed to do? The last time you saw him was more than five years ago, when he was still strict and only cared about your grades. "Uh... thanks?"
Clearing her throat, your mother placed her chopsticks down on the table, "I suppose the two of us should apologize for being so... harsh on you in the past."
You couldn't help but an eyebrow and judge them. It was a bad habit you had when you spoke to your parents. "Harsh? You slapped me for making one mistake on a test."
"And we're sorry for that," your father said. "After living in America without you, we realized how lonesome it was. We felt bad for treating our only child so critically."
"We just wanted you to be the best... in everything..." your mother added.

Well, there was no use in not accepting their apology, even though they were cruel and heartless. If they were still the same from back then, there would have been a chance that Jungkook wouldn't be able to propose to you that night. There's only one thing to say.

"I understand, so I'll accept your apology," you said with a small smile. Look at that, you actually smiled in front of your parents.
Your father smiled, "That's wonderful." It was so weird, you rarely see your parents so happy and smiling it's almost a miracle that this is happening right now.
"We heard that you're a teacher now, how is that working out for you?" your mother asked.
"It's going great. I'm actually a music and English teacher in my old school so I'm pretty familiar with everyone. And I enjoy being around kids so I usually enjoy my time in school," you explained then grabbed the glass of water to drink.
"I can imagine that you won't be raising your future children similarly to how we raised you."

You choked after hearing her talk about having children in the future. Those kinds of thoughts haven't gone through your mind yet.

"Honey, you made her choke," your father said.
She let out a giggle, "I'm sorry. Too soon?"
You nodded your head as you wiped your mouth with a napkin. "Just a tad bit."

The Next Day
Quickly grabbing all of your needed essentials for work, you rushed to your car and drove off to school. Luckily, you made it just in time before the bell rang. You held out your right hand and checked the time on your white wristwatch. Hanging out all night with your parents and catching up with each other took so much time, much more than you expected.
You reached the music room and as soon as you opened your door, there was a loud cheer and confetti thrown around. The kids were holding a banner with the words CONGRATULATIONS written in English. Taeyeon was standing beside your desk with a small white-frosted fruit cake in her hands and other teachers, even the principal, was there.

"CONGRATULATIONS!" everyone screamed.
Taeyeon came closer as everyone in the room quieted down. She held out the cake in front of you, "Congratulations on getting engaged," she smiled.
"Thank you guys so much, you didn't really had to go to all of this trouble just to surprise me," you said.
One of the teachers chuckled, "Oh please, this was no trouble at all."
"You're engaged now, that's a pretty big deal," another teacher said with a large smile on her face.
"It's so cool that my music teacher is going to marry my dance teacher!" a girl squealed and everyone let out a laugh.

The principal came over and congratulated you as well, after that he turned around and told the teachers and students to go back to their classes before the bell rang. Everyone obeyed and left the room, each person congratulating you once more before they left. Taeyeon smiled and gave you a wink as she left the cake on your desk then left.

The bell rang and you immediately turned around, facing your students with a raised eyebrow, "Okay, who's idea was all that?" you questioned.
Dongjin raised his hand, "It was the gym teacher's idea."

All of your students nodded their heads.

"Since it was too dark, even with all those lights on, who was at the park last night?" you asked and more than half of them raised their hand, a lot more than what you had expected.
"We were all invited but some of us weren't allowed to be out that late at night," one of your students commented.

Saw You Again (Jungkook Fanfic) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now