Scar? Tears?

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Everyone was quietly off to the side, listening to every single word that came out of your mouth and your father's. All the members were baffled to hear such things that your father days to you.
After that harsh argument, Taehyung was a little disappointed that Taeyeon wouldn't be able to take lessons from you for the time being. He knew how much Taeyeon loved having music lessons from you.

Arms crossed, Namjoon couldn't believe his ears, "Wow, I never thought that having one mistake would be that big of a deal."
Jin nodded his head in agreement, "Now I feel bad for saying those things to her." He said kicking an empty can as he walked passed it when he paced back and forth.
Looking at his watch, Suga thought that it would be a good time to leave. Patting one of his member's shoulder, he talked in a quiet voice, "You guys, it's getting late."
Jimin took Suga's hand - where he had the watch on - and looked at the time. "He's right!" Abruptly, Suga took his hand back from Jimin. "Sorry, I don't have my watch on," he giggled, scratching the back of his head.
As the other members started walking, J-Hope noticed something very interesting about this street. "Hey!" he yelled making everyone stop and turned to face him. Jin pointed at the street sign, "Isn't Jungkook moving to this street?"
His members looked at the street sign and their eyes widened in unison. "You're right," Suga said.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
The time has come where the visitors, that your parents invited for dinner, are about to enter from that very door that you're staring at.
Your mother made sure that you would look very elegant and yet very modern so she made you wear a simple - but still manages to look like a model - peach dress. Dresses weren't really your style but it is good to hear people speak nicely of your choice of clothes. Honestly though, you would wear jeans, shirts, and converse shoes over dresses any day.
The moment when the doorbell rang, you put on your mask. The mask that makes people mistaken you as an angel who is smart and very mature but in nature, you're still a child at heart who loves music and loves to try new things.
Behind the door revealed a familiar face which shocked you. The guy that you usually see in school on a daily basis, the one that helped you on your first day of school. Your mother and father walked towards their guests, exchanging greetings. Your mother looked at you and waved at you to come.

With good posture, you walked to the guests introducing yourself, smiling brightly, "Hello, my name is Kim Ji Hyun, it's nice to meet you," you bowed.
The female - Jeon Minseo - smiled at you and bowed gracefully, "It's nice to meet you too," she then looked at your mother with a surprised look on her face, "Wow, you never told me that your daughter is so polite."
Your mother let out a little laugh, "Well, I am the one that raised her," she said with pride.

She's the woman who raised me into a girl that could never see the light of day. Stuck in a room, filled with books and would have to deal with a lot of shit after making one single fucking mistake! Yeah, good job raising me, mother!

Looking at the teenage boy beside Minseo, you mother curiously wanted to know more about him, "And who is this young fellow?" she questioned.
"Oh, this is my son Jeon Jungkook." Minseo introduced.
Judging from his expression, you could tell that you're not the only one that's not pleased to be here. With a smile on his face - that looked totally fake, he bowed his head, "Nice to meet you."
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Dinner began and you've noticed that the only people who were talking the whole time were your parents and Minseo. You and Jungkook didn't say a word until each parent asked questions about your personal lives.

Swallowing her food your mom questioned Jungkook about his grades - no surprise at all. "Minseo, how's your son doing in school?"
The woman let out a little sigh, "He was getting good grades before but now, it just suddenly dropped," she explained, "I was actually thinking of getting him a tutor for the time being."

This all somehow seemed new to you. This has been the first time you've actually seen a mother worried about their child. You've always wanted to experience that feeling of love, which your parents lack.

Continuing, it was Minseo's turn to ask some questions, "How about your daughter?" she quizzed, taking a bite of food.

Guessing, you thought that your dad would be the one to answer this question since he likes to brag so much.

"Actually, she's at the top of her class," he smiled.

You could tell that your father's mask was bigger than yours. How he acts like he's actually a good father when he's actually abusing you to do better after making one single freaking mistake. I am never letting that go. You thought bitterly.

Minseo's eyes widened in shock, "That's very impressive." she complimented, "You should tutor my son sometime."

Tutor? That's totally most unlikely to happen since your father even warned you about being too close to the guy. No way that dad is going to say yes to this.

"That's actually a good idea." Your father replied.

Surprised, you accidentally chocked on your food. Taking the glass of water in front of you, you slowly drank it while everyone stared at you.

Minseo, who has a worried look on her face wanted to reassure, "Are you okay dear?"
"I'm fine."

The word dear was actually not a very common word that you usually hear. For a moment you actually wanted to switch parents with Jungkook - who still didn't say a single word since the introduction.

"So, is it really okay for you to tutor my son?" Minseo questioned.
Not knowing what to say, you looked over to your parents who seemed to be nodding their heads in approval. "S-sure," You stuttered as you put down the glass of water on the table.

Then, Jungkook stood up, startling everyone in the room. He grabbed you by the hand, pulling it lightly to make you stand up from your seat, "Excuse us for a moment," he said demandingly, dragging you out the door.
"Hey-" you were about to yell at him for just randomly yanking your hand off the dinner table but before you knew it, you were already right out the door. You let out a sigh as he let go of his grip of you. "Why'd you do that?"
With his back facing you, he answered very coldly, "I don't need you to tutor me."
You crossed your arms, rolling your eyes at him, "I wasn't intended to tutor you anyways."
"Good! Spoiled brats like you aren't fit to do anything like that anyways."
The moment he said 'spoiled brat' you knew that he was judging you by how your grades are and how rich your parents are. Feeling insulted, you walked over to him furiously, "Listen here Jungkook! I know you think I'm a little rich spoiled brat but just to let you know, I bet I've gone through a lot of shit because of my parents forcing me to be perfect!" you yelled as you continuously poked him on his chest as he backs away from you.
Jungkook put his hands up as if he was being arrested, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down."
Crossing your arms again, you turned your back on him, "I am calm!" you yelled. Clearing your throat, you decided to repeat yourself. "I-I am calm," you said once more but coolly this time.
"What's that?" he questioned, looking straight at you. He slowly came closer, holding out his hand, grabbing your chin and then turning it to the side.
Not knowing what's happening, you thought that the situation that you're in right now is a little awkward, "W-what are you doing?"
Still holding your chin, he gently ran his finger over your cheek which made you wince in slight pain, "Why do you have a scar here?"
"A scar?"

Hearing his words, you immediately ran your own hands over the scar, making him let go of you. Then you suddenly remembered what happened last night, when your dad had slapped you across the face. You knew he slapped you hard, but not that hard that it would leave a scar on your face.
"What happened?" he questioned, suddenly feeling a little concerned about you.
Still touching your face, you replied, "My dad. He umm... he slapped me last night."
"What for?"
"For not getting a perfect score on our recent test," you said in shame, lowering your voice a little.
Jungkook lifted his eyebrow, "I thought you only got one mistake on that test."
You took a deep breath, "I did... but I guess that's not perfect enough for him," you sighed.
"Ji Hyun... are you crying?"

Saw You Again (Jungkook Fanfic) (COMPLETED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang