Kim TaeHyung

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you grabbed your books from inside your locker, you could hear distant loud screams from those insanely, boy-obsessed girls. When you entered the classroom, you sat down on your designated desk, quietly minding your own business - staring out the window - while the other students in the room chat with their friends before class.
Of course, no one wants to talk to the nerd of the school who always beats everyone's high score and makes them feel bad about their grades but being that smart isn't bad sometimes either. You get to help other students with their school work. It's not like you don't have any friends in this school or anything, it's just that your only best friend is somewhere in the US, and the fact that your parents isolate you from ever meeting anyone doesn't help that much either.

"Excuse me, Ji Hyun?" a familiar feminine voice called your name. You turned around to see the source, it was Dohee, your classmate.
Smiling, you noticed she put down her textbook on top of your desk. Looking at the current page she flipped it to, you looked up to her without having the smile on your face erased. "You need help?"
She bobbed hear head and smiled back at you, "Yes, I need help with this question," The student leaned in closer, pointing at the problem that she had trouble with.

You explained the formula to her while she continuously nodded her head whenever she understood what you clarified. As you finished, she smiled brightly at you then bowed and said her thanks. You watched as she walked along to her own desk and went back to her studies before class started.
You always thought that she was one cute girl, with her being short and all and her long blonde hair tied up in two pigtails. You were still amazed at the fact that she was able to dye her hair blonde in the first place.

"Okay students, get out your pens and pencils because you're going to do a pop quiz today!" the teacher - Mr. Jang - announced as soon as he entered the room with a stack of papers in his hands.

Everyone in the classroom let out annoyed sighs and murmured about how they hated this so much, it irritated you a little, hearing their voices echo in the room when their tones were filled with disgust. You can't really complain about it though, you hated pop quizzes too but you kept your opinions to yourself.

Minutes Later
Grades are back, and obviously you got a perfect score - not really a big surprise. But there was something else that caught you're attention when Mr. Jang was handing out the test papers.

Mr. Jang let out a loud sigh as he held someone's test paper in his hands. He looked at the boy worriedly, not knowing what happened to his grades. "Jeon Jungkook, you had such good grades before, what happened?"
The boy - named Jungkook - shrugged then after a moment of silence between them, he came out with an answer that sounded so dull and bland, "I don't know." was all he said.

Oddly enough, Mr. Jang wasn't the only one who was worried about Jungkook's grades. Some of the girls in class were whispering to each other but weren't very good at it since you were able to hear every single word that they said.

Covering her mouth with her hand, she whispered into her friend's ears, "I can't believe our precious Jungkook is getting bad grades."
Her friend suddenly jumped up and grinned mischievously, "But if you think about it, there would also be a chance that we could tutor him." She giggled.

After School
"Okay, so if you put your finger here and here, this is called a G string." You explained as you moved little Taeyeon's - a thirteen year old girl - fingers on the right strings.

Taeyeon is one of the students that you enjoy teaching but instead of teaching math and any other subject that you usually learn in school, its music lessons. It's been more than a year now and you've successfully taught Taeyeon how to play the piano and drums but now, she suggested that you should teach her guitar.

Removing her fingers from the strings, Taeyeon looked at you with a smile across her face. "Ji Hyun unnie, guess what?"
"What is it?" you smiled back.
You could see her smile getting bigger and her eyes began to sparkle. You noticed the type of smile that she had, it was the smile that she always puts on her face whenever she talked about a certain someone: her brother. "Oppa is picking me up today! I can finally introduce my favorite brother to my favorite teacher!"
"That's great! I can't wait to finally meet your brother after hearing all the good things that you said about him." Gently nudging her shoulder, the two of you laughed. "Are you spending a lot of time with him lately?" you questioned, extending the conversation.
She let out a loud sigh and her smile turned into a frown. "No... He's either in his room studying or out with his friends. I feel like he forgot about me."
Unknowingly, you ended up patting her back with your hand and smiled at her. "Nonsense. What kind of guy forgets a cute, bubbly girl like you? Don't worry, if you feel like you're getting lonely, you can always come to me." You giggled.

Her eyes widened the moment you finished your sentence. She smiled at you brightly and then, before you knew it, she was hugging you. Taeyeon was like the little sister you've always wanted. The little sister that you've always needed.
The music lesson ended when a doorbell was heard, assuming its Taeyeon's older brother. As Taeyeon finished packing all her stuff, she headed to the door and you followed her. Behind the door, there revealed a tall, teenage boy with ash brown hair that glistened because of the sun.

His eyes widened right when you two made eye contact with each other. "You..."
Excitedly, the little girl gave her brother a hug and locked her arms with his. "Oppa, this is my music teacher, Kim Ji Hyun. Ji Hyun unnie, this is my older brother Taehyung." She smiled.

He was the guy from last night! The guy who called me out.

Pretending you didn't recognize him, you decided to think of something quick to avoid any awkward moment. "It's nice to finally meet you, your sister has been talking about you a lot." You smiled.
He put both hands in his pockets before opening his mouth. "Yeah, my little sister has been talking a lot about you too." He replied.

Why did his retort sound so lifeless?

Untangling himself from Taeyeon's grasp, he ordered her to get in the car first. There was only the two of us left, no one said a word. This was the kind of awkwardness you were trying to avoid.

He stepped closer towards you, his eyes filled curiosity and his smile was somewhat... devilish. "You're the girl who eavesdropped on us last night, aren't you?"
Not wanting to lie, you didn't have a choice but to tell the truth. You lightly nodded you head, "Yes..." replying in a very low voice which was almost inaudible.
Taehyung let out a little smirk escape from his lips. He rose his hand and put it on top of your head, gripping it lightly. "At least your honest." he said moving your head closer, faces about less than a centimeter away, and his nose almost touching yours.

You could feel your heart beat so fast - which has never happened before. He let go of your head and ruffled your hair. Turning his back on you he waved, "See you in school."

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