Best Friend

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"Mom I'm home!" Jungkook basically screamed the moment he entered his household. "And I have brought a friend with me," he smiled, making his way to the kitchen where he saw his mother standing.
His mother turned around and quickly rushed towards him, giving him a tight hug welcoming him back. "You're surprisingly back early today," she smiled at him. She looked behind Jungkook where you silently stood, hands behind you back. "Who is this?"
Jungkook stepped back, placing his hand on your shoulder, "This is my new friend Ji Hyun!" he said in a proud tone, his smiling brightly, his eyes squinted.
"H-hello..." you said shyly, bowing your head at her. You looked at her and were amazed by her beauty, you could barely even tell that she's a mother, she look like a woman whose still in her twenties.
Jungkook's mother giggled at your little gesture, "Well, good thing I made enough milkshakes for everyone."

The mother walked towards the counter while Jungkook tailed her from behind and you did the same with Jungkook. She reached to open the cupboard, grabbing two glasses, then poured the chocolate milkshake from the bender into the glasses. You could see Jungkook's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, so eager to get a taste of her mother's milkshake that he always loved.

"Thank you!" both you and Jungkook said in sync as his mother gave you the cold beverage.

Taking a sip, the sweetness of the drink made your eyes widened. Never have you tasted anything so delicious in your life before.

You heard Jungkook's mother suddenly laughing, "Ji Hyun-ah, slow down or you'll get a-"
"Ow!" you whimpered, clenching your hand and held it against the side of your head where a stuck of freezing pain hit you.
"A brain freeze." Jungkook said with a smile, finishing his mother's sentence as he looked at you.
When your brain stopped freezing, you looked up and noticed Jungkook's mother starting at you, her eyebrows raised as if she found something a bit suspicious about you. You slightly backed away, starting to get a bit scared. "W-what is it?"
"You look a little familiar," she began, "Have we met before?" she questioned, leaning her face closer to yours to get a better look. Seconds later, she snapped her fingers together, making you jump a bit from the sudden gesture, "I got it! You're that little girl Jungkook was with yesterday, right?"
Remembering how you first encountered her yesterday from afar, you nodded your head. "Y-yes," you stuttered, somehow feeling a little tense being around her.
You looked to your side, seeing Jungkook tug on his mother's pastel pink blouse, "Mom, where's Kogi?" Jungkook asked.
"He's outside," she said, pointing out the back door, "You two should go play with him," she smiled brightly.
As you finished the last sip of your drink, you placed it on the table beside you, "Kogi?" you asked curiously, not having a single idea who they're talking about.
You saw Jungkook smile widely, his hand reaching out to grab yours like he always, "Come on I'll introduce you to him!" he said excitedly, running out towards another door.

Behind the door you could hear faint sounds of a hyperactive dog barking continuously, scratching on the door as if it knew you were about to approach. You halted for a moment making Jungkook stop also since he was the one dragging you.

He looked at you with curious, wondering eyes, "What's wrong?" he tilted his head.

You shook off his hand, pressing your lips together. Animals weren't really your thing, you were always afraid that they would bite you and just thinking about how painful it would be for that to happen is unimaginable.

"Are you scared of dogs?" he asked.

Silently nodding your head, you had to admit that you were afraid one way or another. Dogs are cute, fluffy, and all that, you clearly understood why people liked them so much but even though you knew the bright side of things, you were still a chicken about the situation.

Jungkook walked towards you with a small smile on his face, "Don't worry, Kogi doesn't bite," he said, "You can stand behind me and I can block him away from you, if you want."

You noticed that Jungkook tends to smile a lot, it's like he doesn't have a care for the world and just happily lives his life while you live your life locked in your house, your parents always scolding you to study. Oh how you wished you wanted his life.
Hearing his suggestion, you slowly tilted your head in agreement. His idea wasn't so bad, you could at least look at the pet instead of just chickening out like you always do. When Jungkook turned to open the door, you quickly ran towards him, grabbing the back of his shirt, hiding from behind.

He let out a little laugh, "I'm opening it~" he said, slowly opening the entrance.

Just then, you saw a small, white and fluffy Pomeranian dog, peaking at the door, its tail wagging on the wooden porch making a thumping noise. Jungkook quickly grabbed his pet and held it tightly in his arms to avoid it from escaping his grasp. You stood two feet away from them, smiling a little seeing how cute the sight is.

"Ji Hyun-ah," he motioned, fanning you to come closer but you shook your head. "He doesn't bite and don't worry, I'll be holding him down for you."
You but your lip once more and walked closer towards him, your tiny little hands in your pockets. "Are you sure he's not going to attack me?" you asked cautiously.
Jungkook let out a little laugh and nodded his head. "Don't be scared," he was all he said with the same smiling face.
Gathering up all your courage, you crouched down beside Jungkook and Kogi even though you felt terrified in the inside. "What if he bites?"
"He won't."

All of a sudden, Jungkook releases his grasp of Kogi making the little pooch jump forward, pouncing on you like you were prey. You fell back in shock having your butt ache a bit from the sudden impact. You couldn't help but laugh as Kogi kept licking your face, always hitting the spot where you were ticklish the most.

Jungkook laughed at the scene, knowing that he kind of helped you with your fear of dogs. "See, there's nothing to be afraid of," he said, taking a seat beside you. Kogi immediately moved away from you, jumping onto Jungkook's lap and laid there.

You couldn't help but lightly punch his arm and laugh.

He exaggerated, making a hurt expression as he clenches his arm, "What was that for?" he smiled.
You ignored his question and reached out with courage to pet Kogi's head. "Thank you~" you said happily in a sing-song tone.
Jungkook blinked, "For what?"
"For being so nice to me, for being my first friend."
In a bit of a shock, Jungkook thought that he heard you wrong. "Wait, first friend?" You nodded your head. "So you never had a friend before me?"
You shook your head, "My parents are very... strict," you answered in a low tone.
"Well why don't we be best friends instead?" he suggested with a big smile on his face.

Saw You Again (Jungkook Fanfic) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now