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I'm honestly gonna keep writing until my hands hurt.. anyways on with the story!
It's been almost two months now since you've started going back to school. Life was practically the same but this time there was no one pushing you to be the top, though you're still the one who has the highest grades in school. The fact that you're going to school with Jungkook and Chanmi who are now one the closest people to you made it your best school year ever.

"What happened to Ji Hyun? She's not talking anymore."
"She's in her own world right now." He waved a hand in front of your face, seeing how you weren't responding, he confirmed it with a nod. "Yup, totally lost in space."
"What is she thinking about?"
He let out a little laugh, "How do you think I'm supposed to know that?"
The older girl leaned forward and tapped the table lightly, the sound somehow caught your attention. You blinked rapidly as you came back into reality, Chanmi's curious face came into sight. "S-sorry... I was kind of-"
"In the clouds?" Jungkook giggled, finishing your sentence with a smile.
"What were you thinking about?" Chanmi asked.
"My... new life."
She tilted her head to the side, "New life?"
You giggled, remembering how much ups and downs you've been in. It's like you've been living on a long rollercoaster ride. "It's a long story."
"Time?" Chanmi suddenly blurted.
Jungkook looked at the clock that hung on the wall in front of him. "Five minutes till the bell rings."
"Oh shit," you cursed under your breath as you quickly cleaned up your area on the lunch table. "Jungkook oppa, go first and take unnie to her class, I'll catch up with you guys, okay?"
Jungkook watched you as you quickly cleaned the table. "Are you sure? We can wait for you if you want," he asked, helping Chanmi out.
You nodded your head, "Don't worry, I don't want you guys to be late for class."
Chanmi's eyes widened a bit after your reply, "But what about you?"
"I'll catch up."

Jungkook nodded his head and left with Chanmi, their arms linked together. You watched them for a moment as they left the lunch room then continued to clean up the table. Walking over the garbage can, you looked to your left where a 40-year-old woman stood with a smile on her face, bowing and thanking her for preparing a good meal.

Few Hours Later

"Chanmi unnie, do you want us to accompany you on your way home?" you asked with a bright smile, leaning against the locker that was beside hers.
She shook her head, "Taehyung oppa said that he'll be picking me up but thanks for your offer," she said, "Maybe next time we can walk together."
"Well, I guess we'll be on our way then. See you again tomorrow unnie!"

Chanmi waved back as she heard yours and Jungkook's footsteps slowly fade out from her earshot. She grabbed the books that she needed from her locker and stuffed them in her bag quickly. Please don't show up, she begged in her thoughts then locked her locker.
She began to walk straight as quickly as she could. Chanmi didn't pay attention to her surroundings and suddenly tripped from what she felt like was a foot. Someone purposely tripped her. It was them.

"What's the rush, Chanmi? We haven't seen you all day and you didn't even bother to greet us." Though she wasn't able to see who spoke, she knew who it was. That haunting voice belonged to a curly-haired girl who likes to pick on the weak people in the school, especially on her. Her name was Yuna, pretty and beautiful but is heartless and gives no mercy even when Chanmi's in bad condition.
Chanmi hasn't said a word nor moved for the past few minutes, she suddenly heard laughter from about three more people, one girl and two guys, four people in total. Yuna wasn't alone. "What? Are you mute now?" It wasn't Yuna who spoke that time, it was her friend Sojin.
"Maybe she's just too scared to say anything." It was one of the men who spoke, Hoon.

Without even a second thought, Joon, the identical twin brother of Hoon, kicked Chanmi on the leg trying to make her move or at least say something but only a wince came out from Chanmi. She was trying her best to be strong.

"Boring as always," Joon chuckled as he backed away from Chanmi's helpless body on the ground. He bent down on his knees, picking up her backpack then poured all her stuff out.
The other twin looked at the junk that was in Chanmi's backpack, he shook his head while clicking his tongue. "I expected interesting stuff in your backpack, you know, since you hang out with the rich kids of the school now."

Their laughing halted the moment Chanmi began to stand up. She never did that before. She would always lay down on the ground of just don't move until they all disappear from her sight. Chanmi stood there, looking like she's unaffected by their horrible actions.
Yuna grinned thinking that the situation just got a little more fascinating. She stood beside her and twirled her slender fingers in Chanmi's hair. It was then that Yuna was stunned, her eyes were widened as if she saw a ghost. Her hand was suddenly held abruptly by someone and immediately threw her hand back.

"N-no way..." Yuna stuttered.
Sojin couldn't believe her eyes. "H-he's that guy from the club!"
The twins were confused by the two girls' behavior, they seemed scared of the guy. "Who the hell is he?" they both questioned in unison.
The man smiled and stood in front of Chanmi, "Don't you know me? I'm Kim Taehyung, Chanmi's dark knight."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Taehyung pulled up just by Chanmi's house but made no plans of getting out of the car without a little talk with his girlfriend. "Why didn't you tell me that you were being bullied by those people?"

Chanmi was silent, she couldn't come up with anything to say that moment. Because I didn't want to trouble you with my problems, she thought. She was scared to say it, she wanted to but she was too scared. Taehyung is already helping her out so much, more than she asks and she doesn't want to add more problems to the list.

He reached his hand over to grab hers tightly. "Chanmi... it's okay, you can tell me," he said softly.
She had no choice. "I didn't want you to worry about me more than you already are."
The older boy sighed. It was because of him. "Did they just started to bully you?"
She shook her head. "It happened a long time ago, they kept mocking me because my other eye couldn't see..." Chanmi paused for a moment, suddenly remembering how they hurt her, how much they bullied her in the past that she ended up crying during the night.

Her tears started to fall. The bruise that they gave her after Hoon kicked her started to tingle with pain. She hasn't cried in a long time, actually, she hasn't cried ever since she met Taehyung and his friends. She's been really happy because of them.

Taehyung leaned over to wrap his arms around her petite body. "That long, huh?" he said as he caressed her hair. "Well, you don't have to worry about them now because I'm here for you."
"My dark knight..."

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