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Why aren't you at work?" Chanmi asked curiously.
Taehyung sighed, sitting down on the couch with his wife, his arm wrapped around her shoulders. "I have the day off," he smiled then gave her cheek a quick kiss. "Do you have any plans today with your girls?" he asked, turning on the TV with the remote.
She shook her head lightly, "Everyone has work today, can't really do anything-"

The phone rang.

"I'll get it," her husband said as he stood up from the couch.

Curiosity filled Chanmi as she wonders who the caller was. She had a hard time trying to listen in because of the TV that Taehyung left on. When she heard Taehyung hang up, she suddenly felt uneasy.

"Who was that?" she asked.
Taehyung was grabbing his long gray coat from the coat hanger, "It was the twins' teacher," he said, quickly putting on his shoes.
From his tone, Chanmi grew worried, "Did something happen?"
"Taekwon got into a fight with one of his classmates."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Hurriedly, Taehyung went to Taekwon's homeroom where he was held with Taeguk. The moment he came through the door, he saw his two kids sitting on chairs beside the teacher. He entered, both his kids had terrified looks on their faces.

"I'm glad you were able to spare some time to come," the teacher said, guiding Taehyung to the chair that was placed in front of the teacher's desk. "Please, sit."
Taehyung had a nervous feeling in his stomach, "So, you told me that Taekwon got into some trouble?"
The teacher nodded her head, "Yes. During lunch, one of our students reported that Taekwon got into a fight with one of his classmates."
He was confused, he never expected his own son to be the type to beat up one of his classmates. Taehyung and Chanmi taught him better than that. "Did Taekwon just beat up his classmate without a reason?"
The older woman shook her head, "He wouldn't say a word, that's why we bought you here. We thought that he might be able to open up to one of the people he's closest with."
Taehyung stood up and went over to Taekwon, going down on one knee to meet him at eye level. The kid's head was pointed down, afraid to look his father in the eyes. His father lifted up his chin and he could just see that in his eyes, he was about to cry. "Taekwon, be honest, okay? What made you want to fight with your classmate?"
Taekwon looked down again. "He was being mean and said horrible things. He mocked her, dad and I couldn't let that happen."
"'Her?'" he assumed that his boy was talking about his little sister.
"He was speaking horribly about mom... he was teasing us because she's blind..."

Taehyung was taken aback. He didn't expect anything like this. Sure if anyone talked about his wife because she was blind in front of him, he would beat them up too but Taekwon is just a kid. He should learn to control his anger.

"Taekwon..." he began.
"I'm sorry!" he yelled, his tears bursting out from his eyes, "I didn't meant to do it but he made mom sound like she couldn't do anything and useless because she can't see. I know she can do everything! She's just like any other mom out there but much more special!"
The father wiped his son's tears, "Listen, your mother is amazing as you say she is and I know that as a true fact but you need to learn how to control your anger when it comes to people - especially kids like your age - saying mean things about your mother."

Taekwon wiped his tears away with his sleeve. He leaned in towards his father's ear and whispered the same exact words that his classmate said about his mother. Taehyung suddenly stood up so fast that the teacher was startled a bit.

"Why that little-"
"Mr. Kim," the teacher scolded.
Taehyung realized his actions, "I'm sorry."
The woman nodded her head, "Well since we now know the reason behind the beating, I'll make sure to talk to Shin Woo's parents tomorrow."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"What do you mean Taekwon got into a fight?!" you practically yelled over the phone.
"I don't know all the details yet but Taehyung is at the school right now talking to Taekwon's teacher," Chanmi said.

You were worried as much as she was, it was a shock to hear that Taekwon got into something like that at an age like this, especially when you knew that he was the type of kid who wouldn't even hurt a little fly.

"So how's the teaching going?"
You groaned into the microphone of your earphone, "Only two more weeks and its goodbye to the school and hello to summer vacation."
"You know it won't be much of a summer vacation since you'll be planning your wedding the whole time."
"Good point," you agreed, nodding your head. "But hey, at least after the wedding I'll be able to spend lots of time with Jungkook," a laugh suddenly escaped from your lips, "Like I don't do that already."

Ding Dong!

"Hey, I've got to go, I have a visitor," you said as you stood up from the couch.
"Maybe it's just Jungkook without keys again."
You laughed remembering the time Jungkook forgot his keys in the penthouse. "Maybe it is."
"Talk to you later."

You hung up the phone and threw it to the couch, careful enough that it wouldn't bounce back and drop to the ground. You walked over to the door, seeing Jungkook's face on the video door phone.

Pressing a button, you spoke, "Who is it?"
"Ji Hyun-ah, it's me, I forgot the password and I left the key on the table this morning, please open it," he said.
"Who's me?" you giggled.
"Sorry, I don't know a Jungkook."
Jungkook's eyebrow suddenly raised, a devilish grin on his face. "Okay then, I guess I'll just hang out with the hyungs and eat the pizza I bought with them."
You pressed another button, automatically opening the door. "It's open!"

You waited for Jungkook to open the door and as soon as he entered, he still had that same smile on his face.

"It's interesting how you fall for that every time," he laughed.
Your eyes widened, "Get out," you said sternly. You wanted pizza and he just broke your heart when you saw that he wasn't holding a box.
"Too late, I'm already inside," he said as he took off his shoes. "Since you wanted pizza that badly, I guess you don't want these chicken wings I bought," he said, pulling out a plastic bag from behind his back that he hid.
Your eyes brightened the moment you saw the food, "Hey, sharing is caring," you said as you ran over to him, giving him a hug.
"Why do I have a feeling that you love food more than me?" he pouted.
You kissed his cheek, "I love both you and food equally, but right now I love food more because I didn't have dinner yet."
Jungkook went over to the kitchen then set the food on the table, "Hey, I heard that Taekwon got into a fight in school."
Wow, news spreads fast, you were literally just talking about Taekwon with Chanmi not long ago. "How did you find out about that?"
"Taehyung hyung was talking to us on the phone a while ago."
"Taekwon's a good boy, I'm sure he wouldn't do something like that without a reason."
"I hope so," he said, sitting on the couch with a loud sigh. "My legs feel like jelly."
You sat beside him, "Hey, you want kids right?"
"Of course," he said without any hesitation. "Why are you suddenly asking questions like that?"
"No reason, I just wanted to know your answer."
Author's Note
Hey guys, so I've upload a chapter because I wanted to stop this squeal and write more and other stories. I don't know because this Is one of my popular stories and I really don't wanna see it end. Please comment if I should stop or not because I wanna know if u guys want more. Thankkk u!

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