Not Again

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Ji Hyun-ah, don't worry - I bet they're not even home yet. They're probably still on their little business trip and thought that you came back the next day since you left." Suzy said, trying her best to convince you that everything is okay - though it might be not.
You shook your head vigorously at her, your eyes never leaving the front door of your house. "I... I have a bad feeling about this..."
Smiling, she swiftly hooked her arm around your shoulders - perks of her being taller than you. "Oh come on, I'm here for you. If your parents try anything or say anything, I'll back you up. Just like I always do."
"Thanks but I don't-" you began.

Completely startled by the front door swinging open, the two of you jumped a little and even held onto each other's arms. Two men lifting a large brown box came out from the door. You were confused seeing them carrying something big like that.

What are my parents up to this time? You wanted to say out loud but no words came out from your mouth.

All of a sudden, a large white truck pulled up on the driveway. It was a moving truck. A man came out from the driver's seat, opening the back door of the truck that was empty.

Just out of curiosity, you walked over to the man without any hesitation. "Excuse me, sir," you tapped his shoulder to get his attention. "Mind if I ask what the truck is for?"
"Whoever owns this place," he nodded at your house, "is moving."

You couldn't believe your eyes, you were stunned. Moving? Your parents are moving?! It seemed like you were just staring into the man's eyes at your frozen state but you couldn't help it. You couldn't even move an inch.

Just as if Suzy read your mind, she grabbed your arm and dragged you away from the man and into your house where you saw even more men grabbing the belonging in your house and taking them outside.
As quickly as you can, you started running off, into your parents' bedroom where you had a feeling that they were there. And you were right. There stood the couple, packing up their belongings into boxed and putting their clothes into multiple suitcases.

"What's the meaning of this?" you questioned them, the tone of your voice totally different from the way you usually talked to them. It was more powerful and had more strength than before.
Your mother turned around to face her, not even surprised you see that you've come back home after a couple of days. "Oh, you're finally here. Good. Go pack up your stuff." She said, completely ignoring your question.
"Mom. Dad. Why are we moving?" you begged for an answer, your voice shaking.
"During our business trip, we thought that it would be easier to be in the same country as where your main work place is. So, your mother and I decided that we'd move back to America." Your dad answered, speaking in a monotone voice.
"Suzy's parents agreed with our idea too so she's moving along with us," your mother added.

Turning your head, you saw Suzy beside you, her eyes wide like saucers. You've never seen her look like that before ever since you met her. She had surprise in her eyes, complete disbelief.

"H-how can they do this? I just came here a few weeks ago and now we're moving back?" she complained.
"Don't we have a say in this?" you asked.
Your dad stopped packing for a moment and walked towards you, grabbing your shoulders with his large hands and slightly squeezed them. "You already had your say after running away," he said, looking straight into your eyes. You saw his vision turn towards your cheek. "What is this?" he pointed at your scar.
"It was from a tree..." you said, your voice low in defeat.

Seeing him squint his eyes at you, you knew that he wouldn't believe that a scar like that happened because of a tree but you just had to cling onto that ridiculous lie as long as you could before they found out what actually happened.

There was something that suddenly sparked in your mind. An idea that you had already planned with Suzy before. "What if we get our own place here... can we stay?"
Your parents began laughing at your suggestion having you and Suzy confused at that moment. "Are you kidding? We won't let two teens live alone together here in Seoul."
"That's preposterous. One of your worst ideas yet," your dad teased.

Your heart just broke seeing them laugh like that. You wanted to stay. You never want to leave after everything that has already happened. You just found the one that you have been trying to find for ten years. Now you're leaving... again.

Saw You Again (Jungkook Fanfic) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now