Lets Have Fun

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Minseo, we weren't expecting for you to come here." You mother said, surprised to see her neighbor suddenly pay her a visit. Gesturing her inside her home, she insisted on making Minseo tea.
"Oh, no, it's okay. I'm just here to talk about something," she smiled, sitting on one of the couches in the living room.
Coming in the room, your dad immediately spotted Minseo sitting down, curious about her visit. "Minseo, it's nice to meet you again," he said nicely, shaking shanks with her, sitting on the opposite side of the room with a tablet in his hands. "What brings you here?"
"I heard you were moving back to America," she began and in less than seconds, she caught your parents' full attention.
Your father became even more curious. "Yes, we are. How did you know that?"
"We're neighbors, I saw moving trucks and men coming in and out of your house."
"Do you have any concern about us leaving?" your mother asked, placing a glass of water in front of Minseo on the coffee table and then sat beside her partner.
"Uh... yeah... I actually do," she cleared her throat. "It's Ji Hyun, have you talked to her about this yet?"
Your dad sat back on his seat, placing his tablet on the coffee table. "Of course we've talked to her about this-"
"But did she agree to leave Korea and move back to America?" she suddenly blurted, cutting your father off." She bit her bottom lip.
"She doesn't have to," your mother began, "What we say goes. That's final."
"Mr. and Mrs. Park, have you seen Ji Hyun smile whenever she's with you? Have you ever listened to her ideas, take interest in what she likes to do as a hobby or talked to her about herself without involving how well she's doing in school and her future?"
"Where is this going Ms. Jeon?" your father questioned, crossing his arms over his chest, a serious expression painted on his face as he exaggerated his words.

Minseo took a deep breath, she was afraid that talking about this with your parents would have them end their partnership with her - knowing that their really stubborn and controlling - but it was worth it.
She kept thinking, telling herself over and over again that she's doing this for you. She knew exactly how you felt in this situation, she was having the same problems herself back when she was the same age as you. Her parents were just as controlling as your parents are and even had her have an arranged marriage with someone she doesn't even know.

"You shouldn't force Ji Hyun to be at the top, to be who she doesn't want to be. She's just a teenager you should let her do whatever she wants, be who she wants to be and be with the people she wants to be that makes her happy."
Your dad looked at her wife for a second and she nodded her head at him. "We appreciate that you care for our daughter but we have already made up our minds. She's coming with us." He said as he got up from his seat, grabbing his tablet and walked toward the stairs.
"I understand that Ji Hyun talked to you but we already have everything set. Our Ji Hyun can always make new friends," your mother reasoned.
"But Mrs. Jeon, even if she makes new friends in America, do you think she'll be happy?"

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Jungkook held your hands tightly in his, letting you know that he'll never let go of you again. It was quiet and peaceful by the beach, the place where you found out that Jungkook was the one from ten years ago. No one disturbing you, no one to tell you what to do, especially no parents.
The two of you watched as the sun was glowing a reddish orange color that was merged with some light blue. The sky was breathtaking, the scene was even more amazing than the last time you came here.
Last time, the two of you were still acquaintances, had no interest in each other whatsoever and even argued a couple of times. Now, the two of you are officially a couple.

"Did heart love till now? Forswear it, sight. For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night." He said, turning his head slightly to see your face as you leaned your head in the crook of his neck, fitting perfectly.
You couldn't help but give out a little giggle. You knew those words perfectly. "Romeo and Juliet. I haven't heard those words in a long time."
"I haven't either. The words just suddenly came through my mind when I looked at you." He smiled.

You could feel yourself blushing and your cheeks red with heat. Staring deeply into his eyes, you were stunned. His brown orbs were beautifully sparkling with the light from the sun. Jungkook lifted his hand, grazing his long and slender fingers on your blushed cheeks.
You closed your eyes so that you'll be only focusing on his touch. His hand was warm and you could feel him coming closer to you. He pressed his lips onto yours but pulled away after a few seconds.

"No way," you saw Jungkook's eyes widen into saucers as his eyes gazed over to your shoulder where his friends stood from afar, waving at him. Some were making kissy faces while some were pretending to throw up.

You turned your head and was surprised to see them also. The seven of them - including Suzy - walked towards the two of you. Sitting on the sand right beside each other. They all had evil grins on their faces as they all stared at the two of you.

"W-what is it?" you stuttered out.
Everyone shook their heads. "Oh nothing. We just happened to pass by the beach and saw the two of you making out." Suga teased.
"Wait... but isn't it kind of sad that Jungkook already has a girlfriend even though he's younger than us?" Namjoon pointed out and every Bangtan member - except J-Hope and Jungkook - pouted their lips.
"What a sad world we live in," Jin said overdramatically, frantically throwing and waving his hands in the air.
Suzy lightly punched Jin's arm, "Stop overreacting. It's not that hard to find someone you like," she smiled and turned her head towards J-Hope who was giving her a thumbs up then gave her a peck on the cheek.
"You're right," Jimin agreed. "But it's harder for me since the maknae already took the girl I like away from me," he pouted and wrapped his arms around your body, making you unable to move. "Come on Ji Hyun-ah, why don't you ditch Jungkook and come with-"
"No." In a swift movement, Jimin's arms flew and a new pair of arms were wrapped around your torso, pulling you closer to them. Jungkook stared at his hyung, giving him a death glare. "She's mine."

Everyone laughed at Jungkook's reaction, even you were too. You looked at him and saw him blush but it was almost unnoticeable from the red orange sky. It was slowly darkening and you couldn't help but think that you only have two days to convince your parents to let you stay here - unless Minseo's talk with your parents worked.

"It's getting dark," you said blankly, looking at the sky.
Taehyung - who hasn't said a word since they came here - stood up and dusted off the sand on his butt. With his hands in his pockets, he looked down on everyone with a grin on his face. "Let's have fun tonight."
Everyone's eyes widened at his announcement, it was completely out of the blue. "Why? What do you mean by fun?" Jimin asked, using air quotes with his fingers.
"Let's make Ji Hyun and Suzy's last hours here in Seoul memorable. If they both end up not moving, that's great but if they do, let's at least have fun instead of moping around and sulking," he said.
Namjoon got up and stood beside Taehyung, mirroring his smile. "He has a good point."
"Okay then party planners, what do you think we should do on this fine night?" Suga questioned, pointing at the darkening sky above him.
"I say karaoke! We haven't done that in a while!" J-Hope suggested brightly, jumping up from the sand.
"Yeah, we can do that but we have to go to the other side of town to do that," Jin said countering his idea.
"Why don't we stay here on the beach, it's nice, peaceful and we can go in the water if we want to." Suzy recommended and J-Hope immediately agreed, nodding his head with a smile.
Nodding your head also, you agreed with Suzy. "I think that's a good idea."

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