2 Years 2 Months 20 Days

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"Keep going guys! You're all doing great! Hyun Woo-ah, I need more energy from you!" Hoseok yelled at his students over the loud music that played from the speakers. He walked around as his dancers practiced the choreography that he out together with Jimin.
"Who knew you'd end up coming out of your shell."
Just by the sound of his voice Hoseok already knew who it was. He turned off the music, having his dancers look at him with a confused expression on their faces. "You guys did great for today, I hope you all will do the same tomorrow. Practice - End!" he said joyfully and everyone in the room cheered.
"See you tomorrow, teach!" they all waved at him.
He waved back and watched them leave the room. He finally turned around only to see six of his friends stand behind him motionless with a smile on their face. "You know, that smile that you guys are giving me is starting to creep me out a bit."
"Aigoo, look at our little angel teaching his cute little students!" Jin practically squeaked as he ran towards his friend to give him a hug. "You're growing up so fast."
He laughed, "Hyung, let me go," Jin did so. "What are you guys doing here?"
"I wanted to show them a master at work," Jimin grinned, hanging an arm around Hoseok's neck. "We also wanted to reunite with each other and eat out."
"You know, a guy's night out," Taehyung smiled.
Hoseok raised an eyebrow, "Who's paying?"
Yoongi and Namjoon held out their wallets. "Today's our first payday since we've started working at the company."
"Who knew BigHit would pay us a lot by writing songs for their artists," Namjoon said with a proud smile on his face.
"Enough chitchat guys! Let's go eat!"

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"I want to make a toast," Namjoon suddenly announced.
"To what?" everyone else said in unison.
"A toast to us. Jin hyung starting his acting career, Yoongi hyung and I are getting to write our hearts out and get paid for it, Hoseok and Jimin for being one of the best choreographers in Seoul, Taehyung for being engaged to Chanmi and lastly to Jungkook who is graduating high school in a few days."

The whole table was amazed, they all had accomplished something so important to them at the same time. There were a lot of hardships that made them want to quit and meltdown but they didn't give up, none of them did. Now they were all sitting in that one table, celebrating their accomplishments.

"To Bangtan!" Yoongi yelled as he raised his glass.
Everyone did the same. "Bangtan Sonyeondan!"
"It feels like it's been so long since all of us hung out with each other like this," Hoseok smiled after he took a swig of his drink.
Taehyung nodded, "Yeah, when was the last time we did something like this?"
"About six months ago," Jungkook answered.
"Damn, that a really long time ago," Jin said with a mouth filled with food.
"Hey guys," Jimin said in a low tone that caught everyone's attention. "We're all getting old and getting really busy these days, can we promise to each other that we'll always stay in touch and always find the time to hang out."
"Aww, Jiminnie's concerned about us separating," Taehyung teased then got a deserved punch on the arm from his best friend.
"Jimin-ah, you know we'll never separate from each other. We've been with each other for more than ten years, it'll be hard to forget about the good times we had in the past," Hoseok comforted him.
"And hyung, I'll be dancing with you and Hoseok hyung, so I know you won't miss me," the maknae joked to lighten up the mood.
"We are Bangtan Sonyeondan and we'll never part ways even if we go to different roads."
"Yoongi hyung, that must be the greasiest thing you've ever said to us," Jimin said.
"Hey, I'm a songwriter, I have to be greasy from time to time," he snapped back and everyone laughed.

It was all good vibes between the seven of them. They all had fun just like how they used to when they were all still in high school - Jungkook in elementary.

"Hyungs," Jungkook said catching everyone's attention. "We should all go back to Golden have one more performance."
"Our last performance," Taehyung added.
"Before all our lives became completely."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"Hey, have you heard? Bangtan is performing for the last time in Golden."
"Aren't they those cute guys that used to perform there?"
"Isn't one of them your dance teacher?"
"Yeah, I heard that it'll be their last performance there."
"We should spread the word."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"It's really nice to have you boys back here again," the manager of Golden smiled brightly.
"We wanted to have one last performance here - a goodbye performance," Namjoon said.
There was suddenly loud sounds of people rushing in the club, it was more people than what the manager had expected. "Well, looks like the word got out that Bangtan is performing again," he said, looking out from the VIP section up the stairs.
Namjoon did the same and looked at the crowd of people down the stairs, his eyes widened into saucers when they all started to scream and shout when he leaned over the railing and saw him. "No way..." he said in disbelief.
"Holy shit," Yoongi cursed.

"BTS! BTS! BTS! BTS!" the people from down the floor started to chant. "Kim Namjoon! Min Yoongi! Kim Seokjin! Jung Hoseok! Kim Taehyung! Park Jimin! Jeon Jungkook!"

"Looks like they want us," Hoseok grinned.
Jimin suddenly ran to the stairs, "Then let's give them what they want," he said before going down. He grabbed a mic from the DJ and stepped on the stage. The crowd screamed even louder from before. "What's up everybody?!" he screamed.
"Who wants to hear our new song?!" Taehyung yelled.

The crowd cheered. On cue, the music started to play and the seven boys got into their positions.

A Day Later
"Jungkook look!" you cried as you ran towards him with your phone in your hand. You placed your phone on his desk with a news on the page that it was currently on.

He took the phone and his eyes widened.

Trending! Seven boys who call themselves 'BTS' performed in Golden and reached the club's capacity limit with more than 2000 people!
With many people jazzed about this unknown boy group, their performance from last night in Golden already has more 500,000 views in only 14 hours! Will these boys perform again after finding out about their new-found fame?

~ Author's Note ~

I skipped two years xD I'm so sad to say that this story is slowly coming to an end T^T But the good news is, I already have ideas for the sequel, only if you want one of course. I want to end this fic sweetly and fluffy with much happiness so I hope you guys will read it till the end :D

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