Hes Jealous

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He wiped her tears with his thumb, a worried expression on his face. "Why are you crying?"
Feeling his hands on her cheek, she held his hand tightly, her head bowed down as she shook her head lightly. "I can't see you anymore..."

Taehyung didn't know what to say, she was right but he didn't want to admit it, it would only make her even sadder than she is right now. Leaning forward, he wrapped his arms around her, embracing her in his arms tightly as she continued to cry.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"Hyung! Why the glum face?" Jungkook asked curiously, noticing the expression on his friend's face the moment he came into the café.
Walking over to the table where you and Jungkook sat, he let out a sigh and sat down beside Jungkook. "It's Chanmi... I feel bad for her..."
You tilted your head, confused and worried. "Why? Did something happen to her?"
He nodded his head. "She's completely blind now."
The table was suddenly quiet, no one said a single word after hearing the news. It was beginning to get awkward but Jungkook managed to break the silence by asking his hyung a question. "When did you find out?"
"Just this afternoon. I was supposed to take her out on a date but then Channie told me that she was sent to the hospital," he explained.
"That's too bad but at least she has someone like you to take care of her," you said, trying to make him feel a bit better.
"Ji Hyun's right, she needs extra care now since - you know," Jungkook was afraid of mentioning Chanmi's current state.
Taehyung's eyes suddenly lit up, "That reminds me, I came here because I wanted to get buy her some of her favorite strawberry shortcake."
"Go ahead, you don't want to keep her waiting," Jungkook smiled at him. "Buy three for you and her little brother too, on the house."
"Thanks Kookie."

After buying what he needed, he stepped out of the café and right into his car, driving away to where Chanmi was. Meanwhile you and Jungkook were planning where to take his mother for her birthday. The two of you only have less than 24 hours to plan all this perfectly.

"Okay, I think we have everything set and ready for tomorrow," Jungkook sighed in relief as he dropped his pen on the table.
You couldn't help but smile at him. "Thank goodness! We can finally rest!"
"Do you think she'll like it?" he asked.
Nodding your head, you reach out your hand to hold his. "I bet you she'll love it."
"Aw, it's so cute seeing you to together," a familiar feminine voice said, approaching your table. It was Jungkook's mother.
Quickly taking the notepad off the table, Jungkook managed to hide all the plans that you two written down without her noticing. "Mom, I thought you were at a meeting all day."
She ruffled his hair, "Kookie, during meetings, we get breaks too, you know," she giggled. "So what have you two been doing all day?" she asked, sitting beside you.
"We've just been hanging out the whole day. We're thinking of visiting Chanmi a visit after Taehyung oppa gave us some news about her," you explained, not mentioning her birthday surprise.
"Chanmi? Isn't she Taehyung's girlfriend?" you and Jungkook nodded at the same time. "What news? Did anything happen?"
"Hyung was just at the hospital and came by to get some food. He told us that Chanmi's blind now."
Minseo's eyes widened in shock. "Poor thing!" she couldn't believe what she just heard but she knew it couldn't be helped. She looked around the café for a second, "Now that I think about it, where are your other friends? You know, the ones who I know are still single."
Jungkook shrugged, "I heard the hyungs went out and didn't bother inviting us."
"Why do I have a feeling that it's my fault for keeping you away from them..." you said with a pout.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"Ugh, it sickens me to see couples so happy with each other," Yoongi complained.
Namjoon couldn't help but snicker at him, "There goes hyung again, being jealous."
"I am not jealous!" he yelled at him.
Jin held his index finger to his lips and shushed Yoongi. "Don't be too loud, everyone in here will end up staring at us."
"Here are your orders."
Everyone widens their eyes the moment the saw Jimin. "What are you doing here?" Jin questioned.
Jimin let out a little laugh as he scratched the back of his neck, "I kind of work here now."
"Since when?" Namjoon asked as he took a bite of his fries that he ordered.
"Since last week."
Yoongi took a sip of his cold cola. "Don't you already have a job at the dance studio?"
"I'm helping my family since my mom just lost her job because of her boss."
Jin gasped. "That's horrible!"
"Yeah..." Jimin sighed. "Well, standing around and doing nothing won't help the situation right? I have to get back to work now. See you guys later."
"Yah, Jimin-ah!" Yoongi yelled before the younger one went off. "Meet us at Golden later tonight."

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