Forever The Dateless Loners

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People fall in love in mysterious ways-"
"Yah! Jeon Jungkook, you're too loud!" you scolded him, hitting his shoulder with your free hand that wasn't holding his.
Your boyfriend purposely ignored you, a grin on his face as he began to walk backwards, his hand still holding yours and then danced. "Maybe just the touch of a hand-"
You let out a little sigh, "Jungkook, please," you begged after seeing the people around the mall stare at the two of you.
"Well me - I fall in love with you every single day," he sang, ignoring you once more. "And I just want to tell you I am..."

You sighed in defeat. You'll never be able to stop him now but then again, seeing him like this, so happy, and singing freely is cute. Hearing his angelic voice ring through your ears was a bonus since you have always loved his voice. It was just the fact that you're in public with lots of people around what made you want him to stop.

Jungkook let out a little laugh, going back to where he was before, by your side. "Come on, Ji Hyun," he smiled at you. "Lighten up a bit, will you?"
You tightened your grip on his hand, "But people are staring at you."
"So? I'm just an eighteen-year-old boy who's having the time of his life with his girlfriend. I don't see anything wrong with that."
"Good point," you simply agreed with a smile. He was right. There's nothing wrong with having some fun, right? Now that your parents are more than miles away from you, you shouldn't be worried about them. You can do whatever you want now.
"Now," Jungkook said, cutting you off from your thoughts, "Where should we buy a gift for my mom?"
"What does your mom want?" you asked.
Jungkook shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, she doesn't really talk about what she likes," he said. "A necklace maybe?"
You shook your head then a sudden idea came into your thoughts. "Hey, Jungkook. When was the last time you and your mom went out for quality time?"
"I think it was a year ago. She's been really busy lately after the café was built."
"Perfect! We'll just go out and have fun you know, like what families usually do." Did you really just say that to him?
Jungkook tilted his head, "Have you never went on a family outing with your parents?"
You knew that he already knows the answer but you still shook your head disappointingly and answered, "Yeah..."
"Then I'll make it the best first family outing you've ever had, for mom too. So that both of my favorite people in this universe would have the time of their lives."
"Jungkook, that's so sweet."
"Hey, I got to make some effort for my girls," he laughed and you playfully punched his arm.
"So we don't really need to buy anything from the mall, right?"
"I guess you're right."
"What do we do now?"
"Like what all teenagers in a relationship do: hangout and have fun."
"Movie?" you asked.
Jungkook immediately smiled. "Movie."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"It's totally that blonde guy who killed the girl," Suzy whispered to Hoseok who is sitting beside her.
He shook his head, "No way, it's totally the girl's best friend."

They were watching a movie together, wanting to have some time alone with each other after a while of hanging out with their friends the whole time. Suzy enjoys Hoseok's company and how he's so optimistic like her.

Hoseok nudged Suzy on the shoulder, "Do you just want to hang out after this?" he asked her and Suzy nodded her head with a smile. "Perfect, I want to show you some places when this is done."

Today was their anniversary and Hoseok wanted to do all the things that he wanted to do with her. He has always loved his relationship with Suzy, she was like a best friend. A best friend who he just happens to love so much.

Suzy's eyes widened into saucers and suddenly clung onto Hoseok's arm. "What are you planning in that mind of yours, Jung Hoseok?"
He smiled and placed his free hand on hers. "That will be a secret for now. You just have to wait and see."
"Come on, I'm curious!" she begged, pouting her lips.
Hoseok shook his head once more. "Nope, even if you give me those pouty lips, I still won't tell you until we get there. It wouldn't be much of a surprise if I tell you, right"
"I can pretend to be surprised."

The movie finished and Suzy was still clinging onto Hoseok like a koala, begging to know what the surprise is. Hoseok was able to stay silent until his girlfriend finally gave up asking and just wanted to get to it now. It was a long ride to their destination but Hoseok was able to make their journey fun by playing road games and just talking to each other.

"Here we are," he said as he parked his car.
Suzy stepped out, her breath taken away by the view of the sunset on the beach. "Wow," was all she was able to say that moment.
Placing an arm around her, Hoseok smiled. "I thought it'd be nice to have a little picnic while the sun sets," he smiled and kissed her forehead. "Happy anniversary."
"Happy anniversary."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
"What kind of jewelry do you like?"
"Cute necklaces."
"What's your favorite color?"
"What's your favorite snack?"
"All of them."
"What's your favorite season?"

The list of questions from Taehyung were endless. It was like he never wanted to stop. He liked learning more about Chanmi even if it's just the simplest things and Chanmi doesn't mind all of the question being asked. To her, she found it really cute that someone was willing to know what she liked and dislikes.

"Dogs or cats?"
"Definitely dogs."

It was amazing that he was able to come up with almost a million questions just at the top of his head. Does he have a list of questions written all over his mind?

"Oh my! It's still there!" Chanmi suddenly squealed, scaring the questioning Taehyung a bit.

She ran towards to what seems to be a jewelry store. Just from the outside, Taehyung could already tell that all of the jewelry in there was high class and expensive.
Chanmi looked through the window, practically squishing her nose in the process. Taehyung couldn't help but stare at her, she was really cute, kind of like a little kid that had a butterfly landing on their nose.

Taehyung looked through the window, trying to find what made Chanmi so happy all of a sudden. It was a necklace with a panda on it, a diamond as its belly button. It was cute. "Do you like that?" he asked curiously with a smile on his face.
Chanmi nodded her head frantically, she really did look like a little kid. "I've been hoping to save enough money to get that necklace one day - I thought they already sold it since I haven't seen it on display in a long time."
That's where Taehyung got an idea. "I'll be right back."

With those words, he left Chanmi behind and went inside the store without hesitation. In the store, Taehyung immediately went over to the woman who was on the cash register. She didn't seem to be busy and she was the first person that Taehyung saw. Chanmi saw Taehyung pointing at the necklace that she talked about earlier.

Happily, the cashier went over to the necklace and took it from the shiny white bust where it hung around. Taking the necklace over to where her place was at the cash register, she gave Taehyung a little smile. "That'll be 4, 500 won."

No hesitation, he gave her his card. Taehyung was rich, thanks to his jobs and all those money he makes from singing in Golden. The more the girls love the boys, the thirstier they are, which means more drinks. Some of the money from the drinks are pay from the owner, for making Golden the most popular underground club around.

Walking out, Taehyung met up once again with Chanmi. Chanmi's eye were wide into saucers, she never thought that he'd do something like that, even for her. "Did you really just buy that necklace?" she asked just to make sure.
He shook his head vigorously, "Yup, just for you," he smiled. Taehyung opened the box in his hands and took out the panda necklace.
Chanmi held on to it. "It's even prettier behind that glass window," she beamed and looked up to Taehyung, "Do you really want me to have this? I can pay you back-"
He cut her off, "No, no, there's no need to pay me back. Consider it as an early birthday gift."
She couldn't help herself but to cling onto Taehyung's neck, hugging him tightly in her arms. "Thank you," she said, whispering in his ear then kissed his cheek.
Taehyung could feel his face burning after the sudden contact she made with him. "N-no p-problem..." he stuttered cutely. As Chanmi got off from him, he held out the necklace, "May I?"
Walking behind her, Chanmi had already lifted her hair up. He clasped on the necklace and walked back to where he stood before. "It looks cute on you."
"Th-thanks." She was blushing.

~ *~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Yoongi looked around the club at his seat, hoping to see one of his members. "Hey, where's everyone today?" he asked his friends who were present.
Namjoon took a sip of his cold drink. "Jungkook told me he's looking for a present for his mom's birthday with Ji Hyun."
"Taehyung's with that girl that he likes," Jin answered, not taking his eyes off his phone.
"Hoseok said he's on a date with Suzy for their anniversary," Jimin said.
Ruffling his hair, Yoongi screamed in frustration, causing everyone who was in the VIP section look at him for a moment. "Aish! Why is everyone going on dates these days?"
"You're just jealous," Namjoon rolled his eyes.
"I am not jealous! Why would I be jealous?" he said loudly. He said it loud enough that people would probably think he's drunk and out of his mind.
Jimin placed a hand on Yoongi's shoulder and smiled at him. "I know hyung's right here isn't jealous. Why would he be jealous when I'm here? Right hyung-"
"Stay in your lane, Jimin."

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