Hung Up

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Hey! Thank you for the views! Please follow my best friend hai.ninaa!
So you went on a date with Jungkook, found out that he was the boy from ten years ago, was late and got caught by your dad so you ended up having a sleepover with him," Suzy spoke quickly under one breath, summarizing the long story that you had told her, "Sounds like it was an interesting day for you."
You nodded your head, "It was. Even until now my hand is still shaking after running away from my dad."
"Does Jungkook know that you're the girl?"
You shook your head, "I want to confirm it first by seeing if his key actually fits my locket," you quickly explained.
Suzy tilted her head, "Didn't you like lock your locket in a box somewhere in your room?" she asked, "And aren't your parents' home on the weekends, are you sure you can just go in that door?"
Giggling, you shook your head at her, "Of course not," you replied, "That's why I'm going to sneak in from the back door and get out of there as soon as I can."
"Where are you going to go after that? Are you going to stay at Jungkook's place the whole time?"
You shook your head once more, "I don't want to be a nuisance to them so I'm staying at your place for a while."
Suzy's lips suddenly curved into a devilish smile, "Well I have no objections to that, my parents aren't going to be home for like a week anyways."

As you stealthily go through the back door of your house, you noticed that your parents were nowhere to be seen inside the main floor of your house. The whole living room was dead silent, it's like no one's even home at the moment.
Slowly making your way into your room, you came across your parents' bedroom which was slightly opened. You sighed in relief after seeing the two lying in bed together, fast asleep.

They must have had a hard time at work to be sleeping this early in the afternoon.

Opening your door, you were glad that it didn't squeak like it usually did every time someone opens it. You walked into your room comfortably, heading your way towards your dresser where the locked jewelry box is placed. Opening one of the drawers, it revealed your casual everyday clothes. You reached your hand in, trying to look for the red book you had kept with you after all those years.
Finally finding it, you quickly flipped the book to the last page where you taped the key to your jewelry box. Removing the silver object, you picked up your jewelry box, using the key open it. Inside was the locket that you haven't seen after a long period of time. Hurriedly grabbing it, you put on the necklace then set down the jewelry box and headed out.

That went smoother than I expected.

You made your way out the door, now heading towards Suzy's house which was only a few blocks away. You made sure that you grabbed your phone too before you left the house. With a smile on your face, you walked alone while texting Suzy.

Suzy, I'm on my way to your place now.
Suzy: That was quick, I'm guessing your parents weren't home?
No, I found them asleep in their room.
Suzy: Just a sec, let me call you, I'm too lazy to type right now.

As you waited for Suzy to call, you suddenly felt a little uneasy about your surroundings as you continued to walk. The moment your phone rang, you automatically answered it.

"Hey, guess what happened after you and Jungkook left us in the café that day," she giggled from the other line.
You rolled your eyes a bit, knowing where this conversation will be going, "What?"
"J-Hope made the others leave so we ended up going on a date together."
Your eyes suddenly widened, you didn't expect that at all, "I find it funny how you were all over him and then he just randomly appears and goes on a date with you," you replied bluntly.

The night grew and the streetlights turned on while the sun goes down, making the whole street dark and almost pitch black. Still having your little conversation with Suzy, you looked down seeing your shadow and five others from behind.
For a moment, you were shocked but you still kept on going until you reached Suzy's house, which you can see from where you stood because of the size. The shadows came closer but you still continued to talk to Suzy.

Walking a bit faster, you felt someone grab your phone away from your hands, making you stop and turn around. There stood five men, tall and a bit intimidating judging from their choice of clothes. "She'll call you back," the man with blonde hair said as he hung up the phone for you.
The men spread out, circling around you as they smiled devilishly, "So you're Ji Hyun," another man with blonde hair and a mask around his face said as his face came closer to yours.
You backed away from him, "What do you want?" you questioned sternly, trying to make yourself look less helpless.
You heard a man behind you smirk so you turned around to face him, "Are you sure this is the right girl Kai?" he questioned the man with your phone as he flips his dark black hair to the side, removing it from the front of his eyes.
You turned around once more to face him, "It's her," he said confidently.
"A-are you going to hurt me?" you stuttered, trying to back away from the five men but it was useless since they surrounded you. "Listen, if you want something from me, might as well ask nicely rather than doing this little tough act of yours."
Kai leaned in, moving his face closer to yours, "Don't worry, we're not hurting you," he said with a sneer, "We're only doing that to your boyfriend: Jeon Jungkook."

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