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"Kai, thank you so much for helping. If we didn't come here, I could be flying on a plane tomorrow to America," you said with a smile and bowed your head.

Remembering that you told your parents that you'd be home in less than three hours made you realize that you had to hurry as fast as you can back to Seoul. But after spending about an hour in the restaurant, trying to figure out the plan for tomorrow, you know you'll be late.

Saying your byes, you headed to the bus station but the absence of following footsteps behind you made you stop. You half turned to look at Jungkook who was glaring at Kai as if the two are having a staring contest. "Jungkook," you held his hand, "Come on let's go, we have to be back-"
"What's the catch?" he cut you off with a question for Kai. He totally ignored what you were trying to say.
Just by the expression Kai has on his face, he was also confused by Jungkook's question. "What catch?"
"You helped us. There has to be something you want in return."
"Jungkook!" this was just absurd. Kai is already helping, being nice and all that and he asks him if there's a catch?! Jungkook, you are one stubborn guy.
Kai grinned widely, a devilish smile. "Now that you say it, there is a catch that I'm willing to add to this."
"Are you serious?!" this is just ridiculous.
Nodding his head, Kai crossed his arms over his chest, the smile he had on his face never fading. "If you want me to continue this plan, I want..." he paused purposely for dramatic effect. "I want your forgiveness."
"Wait, what?" both you and Jungkook were surprised, that's really not what you expected.
You let out a relieved sigh, "Looks like I was worried for nothing," you said under your breath, not wanting them to hear.
"I want forgiveness... after all the things I've done..."
"If this plan works then I'll accept your apology, okay?" Jungkook smiled at him, his words informal. As he swiftly takes your hand, he waved goodbye to Kai before running off with you.
"Yah! Jeon Jungkook! Has your mom even taught you formalities? What you did right now was very rude."
Jungkook didn't bother to even look at you and just continued to run towards the bus station. "She did but when has anyone stopped me for doing what I want?"

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"You're an hour late," your dad said as you entered the front door of your house. He was on his computer, probably doing something for his business.
You let out a little sigh, "I'm sorry, we had some troubles getting onto the bus," you lied. Waiting for about a minute, you had a feeling that your dad would say something else but it didn't seem like it.

Walking towards your room upstairs, your mother stopped you on the stairs, her gaze a bit nicer than usual which made you wonder if anything had happened between your parents.

"Ji Hyun-ah, go take a seat on the couch beside your father - we need to talk," she demanded and you followed.
Your dad closed his laptop and set it down on the coffee table as your mom took a seat beside him. "Since you didn't want to be a doctor like we wanted," your dad began.
"We thought that you didn't have to anymore," your mother said, finishing his sentence.
Your eyes widened in confusion. "What?"
The old man smiled at you, which was really weird since you barely see him smile. "We don't want you to be a doctor anymore."
Your mom cut you off. "We want to give you the company instead."

Your eyes just widened even more at their statement. Giving you the company was even worse than being a doctor. Your parents own a big company, there's no way you can handle all that! You couldn't even handle Taeyeon when she first took her music lesson from you. Are they really serious about handing down the company to you?

"Can't you give it to someone else?"
They both shook their heads. "No."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"Be on your best behavior, okay?" your mom said and you nodded.
Your dad held onto the door handle of the room where the board meeting was supposed to be held. "That means no talking unless you're asked a question."
"Yes, sir," you said, trying to sound so sarcastic and uninterested.

The three of you entered only to see a long desk Jungkook sitting on the right side of the table with his mother and Suzy's parents and Kai sitting on the left side of the table with his dad in the middle. The scene was somewhat nerve-wracking.
The meeting took about an hour or more, it was hard kind of hard to tell but thankfully time felt like it just flew by. All of the kids were just sitting there and said no words while the adults talked about business.

So this is what it'll be like if I ended up taking over the company - boring enough that watching plants grow would be much more entertaining, you whined in your thoughts.

"That's all for today," Kai's father announced as he gathered back all his paperwork and into his briefcase. "If you don't mind, I'd like the have the Park family stay behind, I need to discuss something with you."
With that, your parents obeyed him like dogs. It was somewhat amazing to see that they're being ordered by someone who has higher power over them. "What is it that you need to discuss with us?"
"Ji Hyun."

Hearing him say your name sternly made your heart race. You parents glared at you as if you did anything wrong that would cost them their jobs. Trying your best to ignore their stares, you sat back on your seat. You noticed Jungkook walk away with his mother, turning his head you give you a reassuring smile before he left the room. It was just you, you parents, Kai and his father.

"Did our daughter do anything wrong?" your mother questioned as she sat back on her seat, your father doing the same.
Kai's father shook his head, "It's not Ji Hyun who did anything wrong," he paused to close his briefcase, "It's the two of you. Her parents."
Your dad had a shocked expression on his face, totally unable to understand the situation he's in right now. "What's the meaning this?"
"Well, sources have told me that your daughter is quite unhappy with her life because her parents are giving her a hard time," he said with a smile, knowing that what he said was correct and right on point. "Am I right Ji Hyun?"

When he asked you, you were afraid to say anything to make you get in trouble. You were still scared of them so you just looked down and didn't say a word.

"I think that answers my question clearly," he stood up and took a remote from the inside of his pocket. The older man pointed the remote to a projector that stood by and a sudden flash of light emitted to the wall of the room. "Let's make a deal, shall we?" he grinned.

He cleared his throat before he spoke. "It's pretty simple actually, all you have to do is leave Ji Hyun in Seoul as you two continue to do your business in America," he pressed one of the buttons on the remote and an image of a penthouse appeared on the wall. "I'll let her stay in a penthouse in one of my hotels. If you don't like the idea of her being alone here in Seoul, don't worry, I have talked about this with Minseo and she gladly agreed to be Ji Hyun's babysitter and check up on her from time to time," with a press of a button, the projector turned off and he sat back down on his chair. "If you agree to this idea, our partnership can continue but if you still wish to bring Ji Hyun to America and take her happiness away from her, I'll end it. Now, what should it be?" he grinned wildly.
Your parents were silent, they didn't say a single word after all the things Kai's dad had said. Turning his head, your dad looked at your mother and she nodded. "I guess we don't have a choice, don't we?"

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