Falling In Love With A Best Friend (Chapter 1)~Pilot

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Ages 5-6 (Aphmau)

Hi! I'm Aphmau and I'm 5 years old! I have a best friend named Laurance, but he lives in Meteli with his sister Cadenza! Laurance comes to Phoenix Drop every couple months and we play for a whole week! The thing about Laurance is that he's 1 year older than me, but I don't mind. OOOOOOHHHHH! Here he is, he's coming into town right now! SQUEE.

Laurance comes into town on a small wagon, along with his father and Cadenza. The three of them hop off of the wagon, one of the Phoenix Drop guard, taking the horse to the stables. Cadenza goes to my friend, Emmalyn, their father goes to my parents and Laurance runs up to me, hugging me tight. 

"I missed you!" I exclaim.

"I missed you too!" He replies. 

We release, looking at each other. He's breathing heavy from running, but he still has a smile on his face. 

"How have you been?" I ask, still excited. 

"Good! Meteli's doing great, and I'm being shown how to be a guard!" He pretends to flex. 

"Laurance!" I yell, pushing him playfully. 

The two of us laugh, and Laurance grabs my wrist, dragging me into the forest, "Come on! Lets go to the treehouse!" He exclaims. 

"Lets!" I say, catching up with him. 

We climb up the ladder to our small treehouse. The sound of rushing water fills the air, the scent of flowers filling our noses. We catch up on things that have been happening for the past 3 months that we haven't seen each other. He says that Cadenza wants him to play dress-up with her a lot. I chuckle at him, and we continue to laugh until we climb down and head back to the village.

Ages 7-8 (Laurance)

I look in the mirror, straightening my bowtie in the mirror, "Perfect!" I say.

Cadenza walks in, wearing her flower girl dress. We were invited to Aphmau's, uncle's wedding. Cadenza and Aphmau are the flower girls where I'm the ring bearer. "Lets go!" Cadenza gleams. I smile, catching up with her. We run down the hall and head to Phoenix Drop. We get there an hour later, when I see the village ahead, I begin to get excited. As we come to a stop, I jump out of the wagon and run to Aphmau's house. 

"Aphmau!" I yell, bursting in the door. 

"Laurance!" She comes downstairs in a lavender dress, similar to Cadenza's. 

She runs up to me, engulfing me in a hug, "Hi!" We both say in unison, laughing it off. 

A couple hours pass and I watch Aphmau and Cadenza come down the aisle, with me already by the groom. Aphmau and Cadenza stand by the bride, and I hand them their rings. "You may kiss the bride!" The priest exclaims. Cheers fill the room as they seal their marriage in a kiss. Everyone expect Aphmau, Cadenza and myself cheer. 

The three of us just yell, "COOTIES!" And run out the door. 

We hear people laughing at our reaction, but we don't care. We beeline the small playground by the tiny church. We all go on a swing, swinging together until the groom comes out, holding the bride with the crowd of people following them until they hop in a car and drive to the reception. But that part is adults only, so Aphmau, Cadenza and I are left with the babysitter, Macy. She drops us off at our house, and watches TV with us.

Ages 10-11 (Aphmau)

"LAURANCE!" I scream. 

He storms up my stairs, "I DIDN'T TOUCH YOUR DOLLS!" He yells. 

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